I could really use....
Your prayers!! I'm feeling that old demon of depression trying to set up residence. My mom ended up pretty sick over the weekend. She started vomiting and had diarrhea on Friday and then Sunday she had a fever of 102. She went back in to see her oncologist and he put her on IV antibiotics. They called her yesterday and told her she has an infection in her blood. I'm not sure what kind. Anyway, she went back to her oncologist's office and they hooked her up to more IV antibiotics and she returned today for her "bullet" treatment and more IV antibiotics and may have to return tomorrow too. Then with my husband's job situation and wanting to be closer to momma, I'm just to a point that I want to do nothing but cry. It isn't that I do not have faith in my Lord, I do. I just feel down and sad mainly because I want to be there for momma and cannot be. She lives 15 hours away. Please, just keep us in your prayers. I really, really need it right now.

Oh Shel,
I understand your pain. My daughter lives 13 hours away, and she is pregnant and had a bleeding problem in November. She had to be on bedrest and I was so concerned and felt so bad that I could not be there for her.
The Lord loves your momma very much, and He has her in the palm of His hands. Trust Him and put her in His hands.
Try reading the Psalms and let them comfort you. In the meantime, have a good cry. Sit on the Lord's lap and have a good cry. He understands. Let Him hold you and give it all to Him.
Shel, I can identify with your cir****tances so well. My mom lived with us for 18 years and when her health declined to the point that I couldn't provide the care she needed I was totally consumed with emotional conflict and guilt. I was her only daughter, a wife, a mother and soon to be grandmother myself and holding down a full time job. I recall the hours that I wept not knowing what to do. Remember that God has promised us that He will not allow us to endure more than we can bear....He is faithful to His promises. God bless you and you are cerainly in my prayers.

its easy to slip into that Shel. I have had my battles with depression too.
God Bless, and remember, Faith comes from hearing, and hearing the Word of God, so just stay in the Word, and put on the whole armour of God.
Also, as we lose....our fat cells release estrogen, and that will cause us to have mood swings, so when it happens to me, I know that I am losing, so I rejoice
I know you will be fine, and I sent up prayers for you and your mom ;)
God Bless,
That which does not kill us, only makes us stronger, and remember He will never leave you or foresake you