Wednesday Coffee Talk and THANK YOU!
Our hearts can NEVER express "YET AGAIN" how your love and outpouring has touched us and what it means. You are all so special to us and I pray that GOD blesses each of you 100 times over what you have said, done, and sent to my children and myself. We are alive and together and that is the main thing. Our church family has opened their hearts and lives to us as well as you guys. As you know our home was a total loss. We believe we can save my parents cherry rice bed and our china cabinet. Not sure yet. If not, oh well. They are material. I just thank God that we were not at home asleep. This was ruled "electrical". We could have so easily been asleep and with me taking a sleep aid most nights.........well, GOD IS FAITHFUL!! IN ALL THINGS!!! This is just another day in the life of the Culpepper family. A challenge to make us stronger and bring us closer together. I told my babies I don't want them to worry about a thing. They said, yeah right. Please pray for them. I've been through so much I know I'll be ok. But they are too young to go through what they have seen in their life. I know God is only building their faith in HIM through these tragedies though.
Again, Your love, support, outpouring and giving are so greatly appreciated, but more so, YOUR PRAYERS! We LOVE YOU ALL!
So. Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my "scooter store" coffee this a.m. and it's pretty good!
I love you guys and God bless you today! CHERISH EVERY DAY! LIVE AND LOVE!
My internet is limited as I am not at the church all the time. I will read your emails as soon as I can. You can also email me at [email protected]. God bless you all

God bless you Randall. You are such an inspiration to us all! - And that includes, most importantly, those who don't know Jesus on the main board. Randall, my prayers will be with you and your kids. We say here that it doesn't matter, cuz it's all gonna burn, but I'm not sure that I'd be standing so tall as you are if that were put to the test for me. Praise God for you Randall!!!
I'm sippin my coffee with sf, ff mocha (international) stuff.
Take care today. Again, praise God! ~Carolyn heart aches and cries for you and your kids. But I rejoice in God's mercy and you not being asleep as you said. I know God has a good plan for your life and I am praying for you children and you to not lose hope...He loves you and will make a way for you and your family. Hang on my Dear Brother...He will not let go of you!
I love you and am praying for you and the kids!
In Christ's love,
Joan M
Oh Randall!
What a blessing it is to see your coffee talk posted today. You are an inspiration and testimony to God's love. I'm thankful you are all okay. My prayers go out to you and especially your kids. God bless you! wk
I'm sipping my Unjury chocolate protein shake with 1/3 banana blended in with it...yum.
Oh Randall:
What a testimony you are to God's faithfulness. I am not sure I would be able to share as you have after what you have lost. Yes, they are material things, but the upheaval and fear that it brings, especially for the little ones, is so big.
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good. You have been in my prayers and will continue to be.
I have so much admiration of you that you can hold your head up high and still smile after what you have been through. When I read about the fire I dropped everything and prayed for you right at my desk at work. Believe it or not you are an inspiration for folks like me seeking out the strength of faith that you already have.

Hi Randall,
First I want to praise the Lord that you and your children are alive and well today. It was exactly 20 years ago on Jan 23, 2007 that My family went through a house fire (arson) where we lost everything in the house including several pets. My children were 10 months, 22months 7 yrs and 8 yrs old. It was a very trying time to say the least. So I honestly do understand what your family is going through. Right now you are most likely in shock over the whole thing and may not even know it. As it all sinks in your mind will become more clear and you may not even remember half of what you just went through or things you have said. You will be alright and so will your children. The Lord our God and Savior is with you and your family through all of this. He will never leave you or forsake you. Keep your faith strong Randall. The lord will see you through this as He see's us through all of our trials. Whatever you do be on guard for attacks from the enemy he will try his hardest to get to you right now during this time of trial. He will attack you and your loved ones, so put on your armor and be prepared for battle. You will continue to be in my prayers.
God bless you always,
Oh, Randall no words can express the joy I felt when i checked in and saw your sweet smiling face. I thank the good Lord you and your children were spared from that fire and feel so relieved to hear you are being taken care of by your church family. If you were here I would hug you silly. You are an inspiration to more people than you know. Lots of love and prayers coming your way. Sandyd
I was there through the loss of your wife, and you are such a stong Christian and an example of how people should live for Christ. The enemy just keeps knocking you down, but you are not out!!!
he will not win, and I just thank God you are a strong witness and warrior for the Word!!
God Bless, and I will pray for you and the kids. I know they must feel like their lives are once again, turned upside down.
God Bless you Dear!!!