Could use some help in the prayer department!
I don't want to put too much of my business 'out in the street' but I need some prayers if you guys don't mind.
Me and hubby are in a HORRIBLE financial situation. He has had a hard time with the job market here for what he does. Most of his jobs have been commission-based, but PRAISE GOD he got offered a salaried job last week. We are waiting on details. He is waiting on 2 loans to close so we will have a bit of money.
In the meantime I have been working OT where I can get it and a part-time job. We have LOTS of bills we still cannot pay though. I am scared to deathwith so many people after us...I just thank the Lord for every month he gets us through. Some days I worry to the point of tears of just being physically sick.
I know something good is right around the corner, I feel it...I am trying to lean on faith but some days I almost feel as though I don't even know how I am going to keep on.
Thanks for listening!

Valena..I think everyone can relate to a hardship in our lives. I know my husband was w/o work for 6 weeks w/no sick time and I was so was horrible...but during that time the Lord showed Himself faithful. He will do the same for you too. Did you get to go to church yesterday? I hope so because you will need the encouragement of believers especially during this time when the enemy would love to flood your mind with doubt and fear.
Hold on to Jesus and He will make a way.
Father God, You WHo own the cattle on a thousand hills and all the hills they are on, please meet thsi family and all their needs for they ae more precious to you than the birds of the air and the lillies of the field. You tell Valena not to be anxious and Lord she is trying...please help her, comfort her and provide for her husband the job and closings he needs to provide for his family. Please help them to obey you in their finances and to trust you with the rest.
In Jesus' name,
Joan M
I empathize with your situation. When I first graduated from college, my husband and I had to declare bankruptcy. I could not find a teaching job, and he was just starting out at the IRS, and barely making any money at all.
Now, I am in a financial bind, but it is my own making. I work three jobs, and still cannot keep up. I did this to myself, and am just trusting the Lord for this situation.
I will pray the Lord opens up the floodgates for blessing up you.
Valena, my heart goes out to you. We have all been there at one time or another in our life and it can be scary. My situation was that early in my marriage we made some unwise choices to get lots of credit cards and went crazy with them leading to overwhelming debt and then when some unforseen emergencies came up we were unprepared and we really got in trouble. I don't know what I would have done without my brothers and sister in the Lord to help me through this time. The church even helped us financially through a real emergency where we would have lost our home if they had not. I pray that things will work out for you. Do you have a home church to lean on? Sometimes you can even get financial counseling that will help you see your way out when it seems impossible. Hugs, Sandyd