Prayer Request
Hi Everyone,
I really appreciate all the prayers for my family and mother in law while she is walking through this battle with cancer, yet again. (she was healed of skin cancer/melanoma many years back).
This prayer request is for me. I had my plastic surgery (lower body lift) about 5 weeks ago, and tomorrow I am beginning acting classes, and I have to drive into Hollywood which is about 1.5 -2 hr drive depending on traffic.
My prayer request is involved:
1) that I can be a witness and will make friends and enjoy this 10 week class, I had to audition and get invited to join. Over 100 people tried out, and they only had 11 spots.
2) saftey driving such a distance each week
3) that my pain which I still have due to the extensive muscle repair, will just subside, and my scars will heal....the back side split open some, its closed now, but the pain is really bad, and tylenol by itself won't touch it. I am worried that even though my doctor told me its okay to take pain meds still (I only take them at night now, not every night, but most nights to sleep) and I am worried about becoming addicted, because I really do feel better on them than I suffer through the day with the tightness and pulling and yesterday it felt as if I had been beaten up by a baseball bat.....just from riding in the car with my hubby for a couple of hours, and we went to the Jay Leno show with a friend who is just was uncomfortable and a long day.
My days with this class on Sunday afternoons, after church, and evenings, will be very very long. It is a beginning acting class, then after that, we break for dinner, and then the casting director for TV commercials teaches a class for 4 hrs, so I won't be getting home until late 10pm or later.
Just pray for strength, complete healing from the LBL, no more pain meds needed, saftey driving, and that I can be a witness to others and I would love to get auditions for Christian and family shows and movies!!!
Bless you all, I feel so funny taking these classes, but God opened the doors for it, and it was not something I pursued, but it just "fell into my lap" with no work involved, God did it all. I have never acted in my life, and the lady who owns the studio teaches and coaches many famous people, and she liked me.
It seems a "self-centered" but God is doing this, and I have not done anything, but I did say many years ago that if ever given the chance to witness to people in Hollywood, I would do it, I am very bold and not afraid to share the love of Christ for people, and the Good News, and Lord knows we could use some more Christians in Hollywood
Thanks for reading this long post, and praying for me.
Love you all,

Oh Deborah - how wonderful! It is a constant encouragement to me to hear of Christians venturing out into the dark world of entertainment! May the Lord bless you richly in these endevours! I pray for His covering over you while you drive - I pray for traveling mercies. I pray that He would use this season for His Kingdom and that many will see His light shining in you. I pray that you would have the energy to run this race! And that He would touch you with healing and physical comfort. May He be the King of your days!!! Praise You Lord Jesus for being so faithful to us!!! Amen!!!
Please keep us posted. It's very exciting! ~Carolyn
Hi Deborah,
Praise the Lord for these opportunities you have. My son and his fiancee are actors in New York. My son is currently not working as an actor, but he got a B.A. in Theater and an M.F.A. in acting in college and grad school. My future daughter-in-law has a B.F.A. in Acting. Both of them have performed in The Lost Colony on the Outer Banks in North Carolina, if you have heard of that or not. I don't know. They also performed at the Cumberland County Playhouse in Tennessee for a year. My son even had a chance to go on a tour throughout the country with a children's play for five months.
You saw Jay Leno taped last night? I was hysterical with Don Rickles and John Stamos. They were too cute together.
I understand your fear of the pain meds becoming addictive. I am a recovering alcoholic, and I feared relapsing when I had my surgery because of the strong pain killers I was on. My advice is to take them as directed, and be aware of any urge to take them sooner than the prescribed times. Pray and rest if that occurs.
God Bless.