Verse of the day
Sandy, it is God alone that is getting me through these trials that I am going through right now. I know that with these trials some day God may be able to use me to help someone else who may be going through the same thing. I talked to momma this morning and she is not feeling good. She made it through chemo without feeling sick but Friday was a bad day for her. She woke up early throwing up and ended up sleeping all day long, which I am sure she needed to do. Please continue to pray for her.

I continue to pray that you both are strengthened during your trials and God will keep you in his loving arms to see you throught this. I wish I were there to give you a big hug Shel. These are the times of test. Last night I watched "The Passion" again and it reminds me that we have a savior who can identify with our suffering because he too had great suffering while he was in the flesh. Come back for support whenever you need it. Hugs, Sandyd