I am new here...
Hello all. I have heard great things about this board and thought I would check it out.
I am working on myself and my relationship with God. I have had some rough times in the last few years, and even lately have been struggling. Through it all I find my faith is getting better but not where I want it to be. I have not been to church in a while. There is no GOOD excuse for that...I work 2 jobs right now and Sunday is my only day off. I have a 7 mo old daughter and I also want to be better for her. My mother in law is a woman who is very strong in faith and I have learned much from her.
For the new year I just want to be a better person and learn better to lean on God when I feel like the world is trying to tear me down. And I have a bad habit...I curse a lot when I get mad or upset, I really need to quit..but it's a tough one!
Anyway, just wanted to say hello, I am looking forward to make friends here.
Valena...I admire your desire to grow in your relationship with the Lord and your honesty over your failing and weaknesses. Soooo...take the next step and go back to church...there you will sit under teaching and that helps us to grow. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Word of God. train up your child early...they learn by watching us....church will become normal for her and she will be a blessing to the Sunday School teacher, I know I teach the walkers class in my church.
God has gifted each believer with specific gifts for the Body of Christ and when you are not there then those gofts you have are not also. God will refresh you for that time at church and you will wind up having more time to do what you need. Please come back here and let us know how to pray. I know the Lord is happy you took this step today and He will help you to continue to take steps in your walk with Him. You are beautiful and God loves you!!!
In Christ's love,
Joan M
I am sitting here at my desk trying not to cry...your response has touched me. I know you are right about going to church. My husband and I talk about it a lot but we still don't get up and go...since we've had a baby it's no longer a question of waking up a bit early!
We did go regularly for a while but just slid off. Like you say, I want her to grow up thinking of it as a normal part of life. My parents never did that for us. I don't blame them or state that as a negative, just a fact. We are both grown now and my brother doesn't believe at all. There is a story behind that. And the irony is...he was baptized and I was not!
I hope to grow closer to some of you here and learn and grow in your wisdom.

Valena - I'm so glad that you're here! Thank you for posting! Walking with and leaning on God more is a great goal for the year! I think I'll make it mine as well! I remember hearing my little girl say a bad word that I had picked up - actually, it wasn't even a real bad one, but when I heard it come out of my little sweet angel, I thought - oh no! That moment helped me clean up my mouth. I wasn't a Christian then, but I knew enough to know that my influence on my kids was bigger than I could see.
Anyway - HI back at you! I hope and pray that the Lord will draw you to a church where the fellowship is sweet and He reigns on the hearts of the people who attend!
Talk to you later! - Carolyn
I do have a great church to go to...when I go! I like that it's small, but there are times I don't like it for that very reason! But we LOVE the pastor, I have known him since I was in grade school, I grew up with his kids. He is the REAL DEAL, walking the walk, and practicing what he preaches. He and his family and wonderful and truly great examples.
Hello Valena!! It is great to have you here. I am also new to this board and to the Lord. I dont have as much wisdom as the 2 wonderful women who posted before me, but I am here for you!!
We all need to be here for each other. I have been discovering this week that there is alot out there to tempt us, bad things and it is sought of like our WLS journey.
I went to my first bible study class wednesday, it was great. And I will be going to church this Sunday. I am so looking forward to that, but nervous at the same time.
I am here for you!!
God Bless you and your daughter!!!
Love, Kelli
hi there- Did you know that God knew you while you were still in your momma's belly? Did you know that He planned for you and has plans for your life and your daughters'? He also takes us where we are- habits and all -and He changes us from the inside out.
I just find those thoughts so comforting. I was away from the Lord for 15 years(I'm soon to be 35)-I had known Him as a child but then got away-very far away. I was so full of fear and hate and unrest that I even tried to harm myself on several occations. I smoked-even while I was pregnant with my kids-and I partied and tried to stay away from even the thoughts of God.
But my mom dedicated me to God when I was an infant. She gave me back to Him and she raised me in church. Even though I got away from God -I never got away from His love and the teaching I grew up with. One day- 2 years ago- I asked God to forgive me. God led me to quit smoking and equipped me to do it. I started going to church(just me and my 2 kids(age 4 and 11) because my husband will not go) I met people who I now call family there. I read the entire Bible in a year and I read and study it daily and pray to seek God every day. I make mistakes and have to ask for forgiveness.
The secret for me is prayer. I talk to God like He is my abba father-my daddy. When I pray-everything melts away and it is just me talking to Him and for that 30 minutes or hour-everything is OK. It recharges me and I can go on even when I am hurting.
Now why am I telling you all this? Because all you have to do is trust and seek Him and He will draw you closer to Him. Because if you raise your child in His ways-they will remember. You are beautiful and you love your baby. Do try to go to church and ask God to help you go. Love on God and He will not disappoint you.
Remember He will never leave you - even if you make a mistake.
I look forward to getting to know you-Amy
Amy now I am crying...isn't our God awesome in His love and faithfulness. I am so glad that the Lord drew you with His love...God's Word says it's His love that leads to repentance....yes, I tell people all the time...do we clean a fish before it is caught? NO well, the Lord wants to catch us...save us and then He does His miraculous work of finishing us! He Who began a good work in us is faithful to complete it until the day of Christ Jesus...He is never finished with us untilwe see Jesus face to face...and we will one day soon!
Love in Him WHo is the Author and Finisher of our faith.
Joan M
Hi Valena,
Welcome to the forum. I understand that struggle to go to church on some mornings. I work every other weekend, and on my weekends off, I really have a hard time waking up in time, as our worship service is at 9:15 am.
Find out what your spiritual gifts are and start finding a way to use them in your church. Get to know the women and see if they have a Bible study you can attend. My church has a women's Bible study with childcare for the moms. The fellowship and the time in the Word will bless you wonderfully.
As for foul language, the more you spend time in the Word, and are controlled by the Holy Spirit, the less you will curse. God has a way of cleaning our mouths.
God bless.
Valena, welcome to the Christian forum. Your post was so inspiring and honest it brought back many memories for me along with the picture of you and your sweet child. Over thirty years ago I remember thinking and being right where you are bad language and not going to church like I should. God was faithful and now I have raised two children and am working on a grandchild in the Lord. My children have fallen but they know the way and my grandchild who is ten is faithful and a great joy. I no longer have any struggles with attendence or language but I have other stuggles with attitude and such. As long as we are in the fle**** will be so. At the end of my journey I want to be able to say, I have fought the good fight for the Lord. When I see where God has taken me and look back I am so grateful I chose this path. Your faithfulness to the Lord can be more far reaching than you can imagine even to your grandchildren and great-grandchildren. all of us do better with others around us who are trying to do the same thing. We are so happy you have found us and thank you for sharing your journey we all have gleened from it. Hugs, Sandyd