Friday Coffee Talk
Good Friday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine. It's FRIDAY!
What cha got planned for the weekend? Me? I'm going to the HOW Support Group Meeting and then the Montgomery Area Dinner at Macoroni Grill.
Gotta have that support group and fellowship time!
Our challenge today is to lend an listening ear. Sometimes someone needs to just talk. Just to get something off their chest. They need someone to talk to. Be that person today. Be that ear. Not just today, but every chance you get. Too many times we get caught up in ourselves (me) and when someone wants to talk, we turn it in to a conversation about US. Let's learn to be sensitive and learn that when someone is "reaching out" and trying to talk, JUST LISTEN! You'll never know how good it will do that person just to have someone to unload to. It's like a medicine to just get things off your chest!
So? Who's up? I am and have been for a while. Got a case of insomnia the last couple of nights I guess. I've been cleaning and washing things down. Even got some laundry done. Oh well.
What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on that old Maxwell House. Got my Kashi Blueberry Cereal down and now working on coffee. How bout you?
I hope you have a great, wonderful, and lend an ear day!

Good Morning Randall, I just want to tell you how very much I appreciate your challenges everyday. They are a great way to start my day on a positive note. Listening is a lost art it seems at times and we all would do better to have a listening ear. I will remember you words and act on them today. Thank you friend and you have a wonderful weekend. See you Monday
Hugs, Sandyd

Good Morning Randall!
My you ARE an early riser! I, too, really appreciate your daily challenges. Thanks especially for today....I am so guilty of turning conversations to ME. My pastor has a term: PLOM..... Poor Little Old Me..... I don't want to suffer from PLOMs disease. I will be a good listner....starting with today! Thanks again for the challenge! I hope you get some sleep soon!
Oh, and I'm sipping on my Unjury chocolate protein shake.
Hi Randall,
Now that we are out here in CA, it is early still, and I am in prayer for my mother in law. I know what you mean about insomnia, why do we get that lately???
I usually have a Starbucks non fat, SF vanilla latte....yummmy, but the caffeine was too much for me the other day, so Propel will work
My weekend plans involve hanging out at home tomorrow and cleaning (hubby is taking a MBA class through work and they all have to go stay at a hotel for some class project and team building?? Spouses are not supposed to go?? so, it looks like a quiet weekend at home!
Good subject, listen more, talk less!!! Always a winner with me!!
God Bless,

Good morning Randall,
What a great topic. In my therapy training, I had to learn to listen and repeat back to the client what they were saying so they knew I heard them. It is a great tool for listening.
I am home from work sick with a sinus headache and intestinal junk. Could use some prayers about this.
I am sipping on my diet iced green tea. Love it.