New to the Lord!!
Hi Kelli!
Welcome to the big happy family of GOD!
I am a fairly new Christain myself (as of July), and I have never been happier than I am with Christ as Lord of my Life. I am enjoying experiencing all the new blessings and miracles that God gives me every day.
My advice for you is learn, learn, LEARN the Bible! Go to church service every time they have them, join a Sunday school class, join Bible studies when you can. You will feel much more confident in no time! Knowing and applying scripture to your life will bring blessings you never dreamed of. Your pastor will love to help you get connected, and having other Christains around you often will do quite a lot for you.
I am so happy for you, Kelli- my new sister in Christ! (((((hugs)))))
Congratulations Kelli and it is good to read your post. I truly believe that this weight loss journey also brings us closer in our Christian walk . For Christians it adds the roses to our path that helps us over the rough spots. Hope to see you on the CB often and you can always message any of us. God bless. luvitsunnyv

CONGRATS and welcome to the family!!!
I know what it is like to not have family support. My 2 kids and hubby are saved, but my parents and brother and other family are not. God can do anything!! Just remember that being a "good Christian" does not involve doing "things" but rather your relationship with Jesus.
As a human I guarantee you will fail in "being" a good Christian. Just being able to recognize when you fall, then repenting and getting back up again is all God asks of us. Keep Him first in your life, and spend quality time with Him, and that will always keep you on track!!
Satan will try to knock off a new Christian to try to prove to you that this "new thing" won't work, so don't be discouraged, and try to recognize the wiles of the enemy. Stay in the Word, as that is your sword and sheild
God Bless!!!! Sister in Christ!!