Wednesday coffee talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! I hope you've had a WARM and great nights sleep. It's time to rise and shine now though. Dress warm! It is COLD here in LA! Lower Alabama that is.
Our challenge today is to have hope. There is no medicine like hope. Hope helps you see tomorrow. Hope helps you see TODAY! Hope helps you see things in a POSITIVE way. As Christians, our hope is in GOD! What more could we ask? He has promised that He would supply ALL our NEED! No greater hope than in God. Have HOPE!
Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my same old same old but I sure do love it! It's so good!
I hope you have a wonderful, blessed, and HOPE FULL day!

Hi Randall,
I have been so busy these days. I am hoping for a job change sooner than later. I am on a waiting list for a social work job with my school district and I am hoping it happens within the next nine months.
In the meantime, I am still hanging in there, making it through each day, one day at a time.
Have a great evening.