Monday Coffee Talk
Good Monday morning everyone! So much for my sleeping late.
As if I really could or would. Kids are sound asleep and I should be too.
Oh well! At least there will be time for a nap today.
Our challenge today comes from a statement once made by Dr. MLK. I heard it this past week and it stuck in my mind. "Don't look at the whole staircase. Just take the first step up." What challenges are you facing today? Ya wanna know a secret? If you take the first step toward overcoming that challenge, you can make it. You can take each step, one at a time and before you know it, you will look back and say "that was my challenge? That's all it was? I made it!" You can make it! You can face every challenge before you and be successful! I have faith in YOU! (of course you know I am talking to myself too)!
We can do ALL things through CHRIST who strengthens us!
Who's up? who got to sleep late? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my usual Maxwell House. It's sooooo good! Gotta love it.
If you have today off, or if you are working, I hope you have a wonderful, blessed, and successful day! Randall 

Good morning the new pic!
I have to exercise more and I must say since my rotator cuff started hurting again when I reintroduced exercise two weeks ago, I have been fearful to do it again...but need to desperately. I have been praying for the Lord to heal it so I can exercise. SoI will try recumbant bike and treadmill and see if that hurts my arm. It even hurts to hang down and hold handle bars.
Having Folgers decaf w/French Vanilla creamer SF. I am off today since school are closed. (I am crossing guard in my neighborhood).
Have a great day as we take a step up the ladder.
In Him,
Joan M
Good morning Randall and Joan
I have been working on my increasing my exercise too. I was looking for someway to make it more enjoyable and one day while talking to a friend on the phone I jumped on my exercise bike and the time went by so fast I didn't even notice it. I was telling her about it and she started calling me every morning when she gets on her treadmill. Now I look forward to the exercise and the visit with my friend. Have a great day to you both. Hugs, Sandyd
PS Randall I have some Chocolate Truffle brewing right now and boy does it smell good.

Good morning Sandy! Good for 14yr old daughter and I did something we have not done since 1985!! (of course she wasn't born yet
) we went for a 30min. walk at the Riverwalk in COlumbia,Sc. I have not been able to walk since an accident in 1985 and now that I lost weight I thought lets get out of this house since it will be warm today and before the cold front comes in tomorrow...and we did it!!! It was soooo freeing...and I was walking faster than her. She wants to walk more now and since she has a few pounds to lose this will be great for both of us. The readmill and recumbant bike get old. But this was fun...outside and changing inclines. I feel so alive! God is so good!!!!
Have a blessed day! HE answered my desire to take a step...and He enabled me to do it!
In His awesome love,
Joan M