Prayer Request Please
My father in law called us this morning and told us that my mother in law might have Leukemia. She is born again, spirit filled, and is an intercessor. The devil would love to take her out as she is an awesome prayer warrior and has prayed for many of you on this board whether you knew it or not. I always shared prayer requests with her when some of you asked, so she is diligent in her prayer life.
Please remember Dianne when you go to your prayer closet. She has been through absolute hell since this summer, and we all had thought it was from a spider bite of a brown recluse. She had many cancer surgeries for melanoma, skin cancer, and had chemo in the past, so they do not know what is causing her bone marrow not to make red blood cells. Her hematocrit was so low last week they had to add 4 units of blood, and her body won't keep it, so its not working.
They are sending her to see an oncologist this week, and an hematologist, so we are praying for a miracle and good reports, not bad ones.
In Christ,

Oh Deborah my Dear Friend...I am and will continue to pray for Dianne..also tell her I am adding her to our prayer team at Calvary Chapel Columbia, SC and to my friend in CA prayer chain. I know the Lord will use this for good as He promises in His Word. Hugs and prayers to you and her.
In Christ's love,