Latest wow moment
I had a wow moment at the baby shower I hosted yesterday...we played a game where you couldn't cross your leg or say baby so I was hostess and didn't play and said I couldn't remember last time I crossed my legs, hummm maybe I lifted my right leg...and it went up...put it on top of problem...and it stayed! OMgoodness I almost cried. I didn't have to use bottom of pant leg to lift it up and over...God is so good.
Any recent wow's for anyone here?
Love in Christ,
Joan M
Joan - praise God! I remember very distrinctly when I could cross my legs again. You know, it's a great thing! One Wow moment was a couple of weeks ago in the church nursery. We had a fussy baby, so I thought, let's try putting him in the snuggly (that front pack thing). But as soon as I started to do this, I paniced! It has to be clipped around your waist, and I thought, oh no, this will never fit me. The other helper, who is as tiny as a dot!, was helping me, and I thought - how embarrassing this will be when we can't make it clip! But, then, it clipped with ease, and I remembered that I don't weigh 252 anymore. Sometimes, I forget. Also, a couple of weeks ago, I tried on a dress that I've had for 10 years, a size 6, that I love so much. I tried it on, and although it's too snug to wear yet, it did zip. Then - my last wow was when I realized I'm 10 lbs from my goal! 10? Can you believe it?
So, I'm off to shower and put on my new size 8 pants and go to church to sing praises to our God for His mercy, grace, love and faithfulness!!! Thank you Lord Jesus for all that You do!!! Thank You that You are upstream and there are no surprises in our lives that may come that You have not foreseen! Thank You for Your perfect provisions!!! Amen!!!
Have a great day Joan!
Oh Carolyn...that is such a wonderful praise! I know I work in teh Walkers class and trying to play or hold them prior to WLS was a struggle but I can relate to your is marvelous the joy the Lord gives us in being to live and do the things He created us to do!
WOw, a 6 how incredible!! Can I ask how tall you are? Also, is your goal 120's? People are telling me I look thin (like yes that is the result of surgery...lose weight). I weight 167 and my personal goal is 135 because I thought 125 would be too small since I am older. DID your Dr. set your goal?
JOan M
Hi Joan - I'm a shorty at 5' 1/2". My doc did not set a goal - other than I lose 70% of my excess weight - which I passed a couple of months ago. According the the BMI chart, I will reach a "normal" bmi at 130. Originally, I set my goal at 125. I recently revised it up because I feel that at my age, 44, I do not want to be quite so skinny - and the last time I weighted 125, I was actually skinny. I went on a website that was recommended here - I'll see if I can find it - that takes into consideration your sex and age when setting a goal weight. That site put my healthy weight at between 134 and 142. So, I went to the low end of that. I really think it's a personal thing - but I'm wearing size 8 pants, and medium or small shirts - and personally, I don't want to get too much smaller. How did you set your goal?
I'll go see if I can find that site and post it...
Talk to you later! God bless you!!! - Carolyn
Here it is...
Let me know what you think of the results that they give for you. I know that my mom - who is in amazing shape at 74 years old, is too thin. Her hands are skin and bones, and she is strongly advising me to keep a little meat on my bones...

Thank you thank you thank you for the thinner self webpage....I am almost at goal according to them. I am 5'1" and weigh 167. Started at 70% gone it said I should lose 129...I lost 123....they say my goal weight should be 161......I think that is high....they also say normal weight for my age (57) and height is 152. I could live with that if that is what the Lord wants my body to be. I know I do not think 125 is a good weight for someone my age ....but wherever my body stops I will be glad. This WLS has been a miracle so far and I am blessed beyond measure the size I am now. I got size 8 dress slacks on last night and they aren't tight! (friend from church gave me two more bags of clothes) So size 8/10 is more than I expected and I am to firm up and see what the Lord does. Won't be a year until April 25!
In His love and never ending grace,
Joan M
Amen to that! I firmly believe that both sex and age should be considered when looking at goal weights. I'm so glad that you checked it out. It gave me a new perspective. A lot of my mom's friends weigh exactly what they did 50 years ago, and at their age, they are looking very frail. So, we should have reasonable and healthy goals!
Congrats on the size 8s! That was a big deal for me. I'm wearing 8s and 10s right now. The 10s are plenty big, but I need a little budget boost to buy some 8s. I've got two pairs and I don't want to wear them everyday!
Yep - you and I are definitely sisters, since my surgery anniversary is April 26th! You are very right - God is good!!! - Oh, so good!!! ~Carolyn