Why are there so few posts on this board?? I'm just curious because..
I see so many people on the main board asking for prayer and mentioning Christian beliefs but then I come here and very few posts have been put up.
Do you all think that we are hard to find? The only reason I found this board was because someone else mentioned it on the main board.
I just know that this board could be such a positive help for believers because it is when we agree in prayer that things really begin to happen and true comfort comes from above as well.
I'm not trying to be negative cause all of you all who post here are great-I just wonder why there are so few.
Amy - it's a good question. Perhaps if we could commit to checking a couple of times a day on this board for prayer requests, then we could post that very thing on the main board. But - then, in doing that, we might be separating prayer from the main population, and they wouldn't be as exposed to the thought of prayer. Hmmm...things to ponder. Thanks for stirring up my mind! - Carolyn
Hi Amy
I know what you mean. I really think a lot of them do not know about us and I try to post a link to us on the main message board every so often. I will do it again. Also we are very hard to find if you are looking on your own. I am so glad you found us. Hurry back and tell all your friends. Hugs, Sandyd

I agree and think because it is listed under religion and spirituality not Christianity that Christians can't find it. But if they hit religion and then check the lists they can find Christianity Board.
Glad you found us and I also wish people here would discuss the surgery as well. The other boards do but they add in their opinions and it would be refreshing to ask questions here health wise and not just prayer requests which do not get me wrong...I am fervent prayer warrior. I just think our Godly responses would help us in the physical too..get what I mean or did I just sound too confusing?
Anyway, keep lurking and posting and maybe we can get this site jumping...after all Jesus is Alive!!!
In His love and grae,
Joan M
I totally get what you mean. Everything in my life revolves around my relationship God. I know that God can give me guidence and answer my prayers, but I believe that He is concerned about every aspect of my life and that even more important than what He does for me is my relationship with Him.
I would love to talk about our surgeries and reoveries from a christian perspective here on this board.
Jesus is alive and I for one could not hold my head up without His help!!
Love Amy
I haven't visited the main board much. I am active on the PA board, this one and the Addictions board. I happened to stumble across this one and praise God I did. I knew of no Christians who had WLS prior to coming here. A lot of my believing friends were against it.
Praise the Lord for the fellowship we have here. It is very sweet and supportive.
I will make a point of posting on the PA board about our board.
Trish I agree I didn't know any Christians who had the surgery except here and some on the SC board.
I haven't found very many that are bold in their faith as people on the other boards can be very offended by the Gospel as we all know and very offensive in their speach and opinions. They can say anything but if we mention God or Christ then they get all upset. But I just put my hope in Christ and know one day soon He will be the Ruling King and every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ IS LORD!
Amen...sorry but I am so heartsick over how Christianity is offensive to people in the US.
Love in Christ,
Joan M