Thursday Coffee Talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine. Gotta get up and get going!
Today's challenge is to not look at the cir****tances. No matter what you face today, do not let your cir****tances get you down. If you focus on them, they can and will bring you down. Instead, focus on the POSITIVE outcome. Doing so will help you get through whatever. So don't look at the cir****tance, but look at the positive outcome that you WILL see! That is faith! We as Christians have God on our side so why worry? Why focus on the negative? Why let fear of cir****tances get to us? Without faith it is impossible to please God so when we worry, we are NOT pleasing Him! I don't know about you, but I want to please God in all I do. Even in what I face!
Who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on some wonderful regular old Maxwell House with creamer and sweet-n-low. Gotta love it!
I hope you have a great day today and EVERY day!