Friday Coffee Talk
Good Friday morning everyone! The weekend is almost here!
Got big plans? In all you do, be safe!
Our challenge today is to call your best friend. Let them know how much they mean to you. Friends are valuable and so important and if you find a true friend, you are SO blessed. So call them today and let them know how important they are to you and what a blessing they are!
Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? My usual, Maxwell House regular with cream and sweet-n-low.
I hope you have a blessed and wonderful day! Randall 

Good morning Ranall
I do hope all your pain is gone and I will just keep praying that it stays away. What a fun and wonderful challenge. My best friend and I live over 2500 miles away but talk on the phone about three times a week. She is such an important part of my life and we have been friends as well as sisters in Christ for almost 25 years. What a blessing. Thank for taking the time out of your busy day to think of us with your wonderful challenges. Big Hugs, Sandyd

My best friend Rosie lives in MD and I in C but we talk every week and sometimes a couple times a week. We were friends before we knew the Lord but became Sisters after we both received the Lord, 3 years apart...after many tears and prayers by me.
I am blessed to have several good friends but my Rosie, well our hearts our knit together.
Praying that your spasms stop and that it isn't any plumbing that is twisted. We had tpoic last month about that and not to put off being checked if you have pain. Because the organs can get twisted and people think it is just gas. So let Dr. follow through if you are still having pain.
Just finished protein shake and drinking decaf french vanilla coffee.
In His love,
Joan M
Thanks Randall, I called my best friend here and we went out for coffee. She had coffee and I had Earl Gray. More importantly, she had been depressed and stressed all week long. I craved adult conversation with a girlfriend. It helped us both. We were only gone for 1 and 1/2 hours, but the fellowship will help us both get through the next week. Blessings to you Randall for all of your encouraging posts. Kim M.
How of my best friends called me today! Sometimes, it just needs to be a "hi, how are you" or "I'm thinkin' of you" and that is just enough to say to yourself...."I'm glad you are my friend."
I managed thru 1 1/2 cups of my cafe con leche this morning. Monday, Alma will be back and Ron's Cuban will be open....I will be so happy!
I snipped the fat roll off my left index finger knuckle today....I should have gone to the beach...ya know, one of those "day for yourself" things and I chose to do yardwork. It really smarts. I'm hoping the little bit of "fat pad" will seal back up. I've got it taped pretty tight and trying not to bend it.....DH will have fits because he wants to hire someone to do the's my therapy....I just need to be more careful.
Have a blessed and sunny day.