We got a call last night, my husband's grandmother has had a stroke.
She is currently in the hospital. At this time we do not know what her prognosis will be. She has been a faithful solider of our Lord and I am praying that He pulls her through this time. We must however keep in mind that this woman will be turning 94 years old in February. The Lord has blessed her with a long and healthy life...she still moves around unassisted and takes NO meds at all. My husband is very upset and I am at a loss for words at this point. In the 3 1/2 years we have been together I have lost several close family members and he has been my greatest support. I do not want to let him down. I also do not want him to be overly upset and distracted as he begins his new job one week from tomorrow. This new job is the answer to the prayers that we have been praying for so long. Perhaps it is selfish of me, but I do not want that opportunity to be messed up. I am praying for Grandma, praying for my hubby to make it through, praying I can be strong enough for him to be what he needs right now, prayerful that God will keep on us track during difficult times. Any prayers or words of wisdom would be great from anyone right now.
Thank you in advance,
Hi Valena, I understand what your husband is going through as I just lost my beloved Grandmother. It is so hard to see our loved ones getting older. I was encouraged when my Grandmother started declining in knowing that our seperation was only going to be temporary. She, too, was a faithful servant of the Lord. I also knew that she would be right there, probably the first one in line to greet me, when my time to go home came. It does hurt to let a loved one go, even temporarily. It is ok if he grieves. Let me encourage both you and your husband with God's word. " Be strong, and let your heart take courage, all you who hope in the Lord." Psalm 31:24 also, no matter how hard it is know " Though I am surrounded by troubles, You will bring me safely though them.You will clench your fist against my angry enemies.Your power will save me." Psalm 138:7 Trust God to protect you, your husband and his job! He is always with us even to the end of the world. Matthew 128:20 Blessings, Kim M.
Thank you so much for your kind words and verses also. I hurt for makes me cry to see him cry! I never had a Grandma maternal g-ma died when I was 4, my paternal G-ma...well her agenda has always been all about her so we just don't have that kind of relationship. Never have. But I have lost several over the last few years. I guess right now I feel inadequate also and it is killing me.
It is such a difficult time, I know. God has really blessed this very special lady. My grandmother was 96 when she was Promoted to Glory...very peacefully in her sleep with a smile on her face. She must have seen my grandfather...or even the face of Jesus. Your family is in my prayers during this difficult time. I truly believe that no prayer goes unheard or unanswered. God willing, He will allow her a more years with her family.