Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine! Gotta get back in the groove of things today. Kids go back to School, heading back to work after a couple of weeks off, and a New Year starting!
Our challenge today is to look up! We are starting a new year. This is going to be our best year EVER! Some of you are going to get approval for WLS and will change SO much this year. Some of you will get approval and have plastic surgery this year and will change even more. Others of you will REACH YOUR GOALS and you will be so proud of yourselves. So we have reasons to LOOK UP!
Our strength comes from above. God. So look up, look to HIM! EVERYDAY!
Who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on Hazelnut Coffee and it is so good this morning! Gotta love it!
I hope you have a blessed and wonderful Tuesday! LOOK UP today and everyday!

mmmm yummy : ) I was sipping on Folgers flavers Hazelnut coffee with F.F. hazelnut creamer, and a scoop of any whey protein powder this morning. I don't feel guilty about having coffee if I can make it good for me : )
I am looking up this year! God has been so good to me. I nearly died a couple of months ago, after having a rare, but very dangerous complication. The Good Lord brought me through it safely. I guess he wanted to keep me around a while longer. I will do my best to get and stay close to my God and Savior. I know I can't live life in my own power, I must rely on God in everything I do. Thats a hard thing to do. I heard a song on the radio yesterday that really hit home. I didn't catch the name of it, but it was talking about a woman driving along and losing control of her car and asking Jesus to take the wheel. That song really got to me and I couldn't stop myself from crying. I have been so far away from God. I lost control so to speak. I asked Jesus to take the wheel because I couldn't continue like this. I need God in control of my life because when He's not at the wheel I don't do very well. Take care.
God bless you,