New Year Coffee Talk
HAPPY NEW YEAR to all of you, MY OH FAMILY! I appreciate all of you more than you will ever know! I pray that New Year, 2007, is your BEST YEAR EVER! As a friend put it, WE DESERVE IT! I spent New Year's Eve praying the new year in at our watch night service. No better way to spend it! I hope you were safe and sound!
Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on Chocolate Mint Coffeee this morning. Thanks Carmen! It's so good!
I hope you have a HAPPY day today and EVERYDAY!
God bless you all!

That's the way I was raised.....down on my knees at midnight on 12/31. Not even black eyed peas and hog jowel can bring better results that praying in the New Year!
Ron's Cuban is closed until 1/7 so I have to settle for 2nd best on my cafe con leche with splenda....Cafe Bustella. At least I have a back up for my favorite java....
God bless you and your children for this coming year.....Your posts always bless me!
Randall...didn't answer yesterday...too busy. But this morning I am sipping regular with Vanilla SF creamer. I pray for a more on fire walk with the Lord and that my life would influence and impact everyone I meet to either commit their life to Christ and to press in for a more intimate walk with the Lord this year than last year. My prayer has been "Father, I want to finish even better than I started the day I asked Your Son into my heart and asked for forgiveness for my sins. I was soooo in love with Jesus and could have eaten the pages off the Bible I was so hungry for the Truth. I want even more fervency for the Word of God this year as I seek His will for my life.
I am glad you are back Randall and I prayed daily for you after you said you were not feeling well. May He who holds you in in His hands keep you and your children until the Day of Christ Jesus. In His Name...Amen
Love ya in Him, Brother,
Joan M