Help! I think I am under attack
Hey brothers and sisters in Christ.
I am having such a terrible time lately. I believe that I am under attack by Satan. I am having a hard time keeping my mind focused when I pray. I am a little sharp with the ones I love, and I just can't seem to find the time to read my bible anymore.
I know that Christmas is a hectic time as a rule anyway, but, I have never really felt this down before. There is nothing out of the ordinary this year. I am on the social committee at my church so I did a lot of the baking for the Christmas dinner, but I do this every year. I played the midwife in the church play, as I do every year, and as director of the Care Committee, I also purchased the gifts for the special needs people at our church. The same as every year.
I just don't know what is happening. I know that I am taken up with the possibility of my surgery in the next few months, but, I also know that God is in this with me. Of that I am quite sure. I am just at a loss.
So again, I ask for prayers of deliverance for myself, and a clearer understanding of God's will for my life. I do love the Father, and I know that He loves me also. At the same time, I feel so overwhelmed , and am having a hard time coping currently.
I have invoked the name of Jesus in plea for deliverance, unfortunately, there has been none to date. Help me please in prayer.
In Christ,
Marilyn, I will pray for you. It sounds like you are overwhelmed with things right now so it might be a time you need to cut back and take some time for just you. With your surgery coming up soon you will need that time to care for yourself and start your new life and that will need all your attention for a while. You can read Verse of the Day here everyday to encourage you too. Upcoming surgery can be a very exciting and scary time with a full range of emotions. I encourage you to keep coming here for support. In love, Sandyd
I can totally understand where you are coming from. It is easy to lose site and not allow God to remain #1 in our life. I too am going through a hard time. My husband lost his job right before Thanksgiving and now we found out recently that my mom has lymphoma. I think if I didn't have faith and love for our Savior I would probably be a mess right now. It is so easy for me to start dwelling and worrying on the things that are going on but I just start thinking about all God has blessed me with and it gets my focus back on where it should be, Him. Anyway, I will keep you in my prayers and ask that you keep my family in yours.

I empathize with you about your feeling under attack. I have been under attack as well. So many times, I get busy serving and forget to sit at His feet. I am so busy being Martha, I forget how blessed Mary was to sit at His feet and just listen and love Him. It is only when I fall in my face in some sin that dogs me, that I come to the Lord, and He picks me up and holds me. I wish I could just go to Him on a day to day basis, and not put it off till I fail Him.
Hang in there. Keep looking to Him. He is my strength. He is blessing me, even when I fail Him.