Thursday Coffee Talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! Time to rise and shine! Spray those pits and eat them grits!
Let's get up and get going.
Our challenge today is to get back on track. Maybe you ate a little more than you should over the Holidays. Maybe you ate things you shouldn't have. Well, it's time to focus and get back to the basics. Get to that goal. Get your focus back to what you have set and get back on track!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on this morning? Me? I'm sipping on some wonderful Chocolate Velvet! It is so awesome this a.m. My children surprised me with it!
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Thursday! Stay focused on your eating today! Randall 

OK Randall...why do you get up at 2:48am? Just to sip the new coffee?
I am sipping Folgers mixed with some french vanilla decaf with French vanilla SF creamer and sweet n low. I am doing better than I thought I would after the holidays because I did allow myself some baked wheat thins w/crab dip. I am down to 172 or 171.4 depending when I step on the scale. is fickle this morning
. It hasn't done that before.
Hope you have a great day and that you continue to be blessed...BTW...your kids are great to give you the Bomb in Choc coffee.
In Christ,
Joan M

Good Morning Randall,
My you do get up early in the morning. I was pretty good over the holiday. I only had a few tastes of dip with veggies. My dinner menu was high in protein, and I am thrilled.
Mom is here for the holiday. She is really taking my brother's passing hard. Please keep her in your prayers. Her name is Peg.
I am sipping my homemade iced green tea. I am about to tackle my Starbucks Christmas Blend, I drink it black with no sweetener.
Have a great day.