Friday Coffee Talk
Good morning everyone! Time to rise and shine! It's WET here today, but it's still gonna be a wonderful day! IT'S FRIDAY!
Our challenge today is to buy and ornament and take it to a single parent or elderly person that you know. Just a dollar ornament would work. You'll be surprised at how you will make this single parent or this elderly person feel. I have mine bought and ready to take to my elderly lunch buddy Ms. Mattie. She's 83 and no family around here. Well, just me!
She's just like my grandmother. I love this woman. So go out today and get that ornament. You'll make someone's day!
Who's up? What cha sipping on this Friday morning? Me? I'm sipping on Chocolate Mint Truffle (thanks Carmen) with chocolate mint cream and peppermint whipped cream. OK! So I was in a "MINT" mood this morning!
How bout you? What cha sipping on?
I hope you have a blessed, wonderful, and giving day! Randall