Friday Coffee Talk
Good Friday morning everyone! It's Friday
it's Friday
it's finally Friday!!
AND It's coffee time! Time to rise and shine!
Our challenge today is to not let pride get in our way. Sometimes we allow our own pride to step up and rear it's ugly head. When we do, look out. There is a fall about to take place. Now I'm not talking about the "good" kind of pride. I'm talking about the kind of pride that is destructive. Where there is pride, there will be destruction. I challenge you today to humble yourself. Don't let pride destroy you today!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on. Me? Coffees on and I'm ready for my first cup. It'll be Vanilla Cream this morning. What about you? Water, coffee, tea?
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed day! Randall 

Ah yes, Randall! This is definitely a lesson I have to relearn over and over again....I am so glad that my Heavenly Father is patient with me!
I am very glad it is Friday! My youngest and I will be participating in our church Christmas Light drive-through tonight, and we expect to see several thousands of people. How much fun is that????
God bless you!
Interestingly enough, I am originally from IL!
However, the boys and I are involved in our church drive through - called Many Lights of Christams, located on Fountain just east of Academy. I think this the 5th year our church has done this. We typically get somewhere between 15 - 20,000 people to come through each year.
I haven't been to Glen awful oversite on my part, I know!
Merry Christmas, and God bless!