Wednesday coffee talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! Time to get up and at 'em this morning!
Our challenge today is to realize that if things aren't working for you right now, take a different direction. Going or doing the same thing the same way, will NEVER bring change. What type of change do you need today? What direction are you headed? Is it working? Is it where you wanna go? If not, make the change! A change that is BEST for you.
SO! Who's up? What cha sipping on this morning? Coffee? Tea? Water? Crystal Light? Me? I'm sipping on some more of that awesome Peppermint Truffle coffee. I'm hooked!
I hope you have a blessed and wonderful day today!

OK Randall if you ask questions you need to answer do you get this tempting coffee anyway? Someone asked you but I never saw an answer. It sounds so yummy. I am drinking decaf vanilla coffee w/french vanilla SF creamer. I just ate part of a banana..I am so tired after being up with my Katie girl all night while she was traveling to the bathroom all night.
Thanks for your prayers and continue please.
I was having my quiet time this morning and preparing to teach the next 2 lessons in Luke and was impressed to ask the the Lord to help me to increase in the knowledge of Him and then apply what I learn and to love Him more today than I did yesterday. We should always be changing in the level of love for our should never lessen but always increase. That is my desire and that everyone who has contact with me would see Jesus.
Have a great day...Brother
Joan M

It is not working for me to eat sugar free candy. I do not do any better with it than I do with the real stuff calorie wise. I still want to eat too much of it and it still calls me till it is gone and is loaded with calories I do not need. I have more weight to lose!!! Thanks for the challenge Randall. Have a great day. What to share that Peppermint Truffle? Hugs, Sandyd