Tuesday Coffee Talk
Good morning everyone! Time to rise and shine! Gotta let your light shine! Let's get going today! It's gonna be a BRIGHT day!
Our challenge today is to realize that what we are as a person, that we will duplicate. As parents, leaders in our community, bosses, future parents, aunts, uncles, whatever status we hold, we duplicate our personality. People watch us. They watch our every move. Do you realize that? Your children especially. The way you act in front of them, that will they duplicate. Look at yourself. Do you see your parents actions in you? There was a song that came out a few years ago that says, "I'm seeing my father in me." Not only our children though. Others around us are watching. We have influence on different people around us. So how do you act? What are you duplicating? What behavior are you laying out that will be duplicated? I would want/hope that people see goodness coming from me. That's what I want to duplicate. Love and goodness. It all begins with attitude. So I ask you again, what are you duplicating today?
Who's UP? What cha sipping on? I'm sipping on my Peppermint Truffle this morning and this stuff is outta this world! Man, you gotta try this coffee!
I hope you have a wonderful and blessed Tuesday! Randall 

Good morning Sandy! I do hope you have a blessed and wonderful Wednesday. I'm late replying but at least I'm here huh?
I appologize for not answering your question yesterday. A dear friend of mine and her DH here in Alabama picked this up for me. They said when they saw it, they both said "Randall" at the same time so they had to get it for me. I am so humbled they thought about me. I do LOVE coffee and haven't found a flavor yet that I don't like. They picked this one up at Harry and David's. It is REALLY good! I know you can pick many different flavors up at Wal-Mart on the coffee isle. I'll have to see if I can find some for you. I've not seen any around Troy or Luverne though.
Be blessed my friend! Randall