Thursday Coffee Talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! It's time to rise and shine! Well, maybe not THIS early.
By the time you read this, it will be though!
Hope you slept great!
Our challenge today is to lift someone up today! Maybe there is a neighbor, a fellow WLS'er, a family member or someone you know is down and depressed. Maybe it's due to the Season, finances, or loss of a loved one. Whatever the reason they may be down, YOU CAN LIFT THEM UP!! Do a good deed for them. Send them a card. Send them an email. Do something special for them just to let them know YOU care! You can make a difference to them and touch their lives. Too often we see someone like this and we just go on w/o doing anything. We think we are too busy or someone else can do it or it's not MY job or MY problem. Make it your job. Make it your problem. JUST DO IT!! Watch the smile you can help bring!
So! Who's up?? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my b'fast blend coffee and it is so good this a.m. Just something about that first cup of coffee in the morning. It calms and soothes!
I hope you have a wonderful, blessed, and UP LIFTING day!

Hi Randall
Love your new updated profile. I am just sippin my Gevalia Traditional Roast with sf Caramel vanilla creamer. I will make a phone call to a very special lady who can not longer get out much but loves to talk and tells the most wonderful stories and at 95 has lots of them. Have a great day. Hugs, Sandyd

Hi Randall,
Actually, I did the special thing last night. On Sunday, during our worship service, there was a testimony time of confession for two couples. One was a member of our praise and worship band, and he admitted that he was struggling with drugs and asked for prayer. The other was a young woman and her boyfriend telling the congregation that she is pregnant. Both are active in the church.
So, I sent both couples a note of encouragement, and empathy, as I am a recovering alcoholic, and at 18 years old, I was a single, pregnant woman. I encouraged them that the Lord is faithful, and that He will never let go of them.
Have a great evening.