Verse of the day
Thanks Sandy. Yesterday we talked about how worship is a form of prayer and how good it is. I know that I can be in the stinkiest place and a bit of worship music - thoughts of how great our Lord is - brings me right out of that muck. Last night we had a beautiful service on prayer. We are so blessed. Thanks again! ~Carolyn
As I read this passage, the word "dwell" jumps right out at me. We are to live with Christ - meaning keep him in our thoughts at all times and give him the praises that he deserves.
Did you keep him in your thoughts when someone cut you off in traffic today? What was your reaction?
When a coworker came up to you with a juicy tid bit about another coworker did you keep him in your thoughts and resist the temptation to climb on board that grapevine?
I am sure everyone could think of a moment or two today that we were less than proud of....but isn't it wonderful that if we confess and repent, he will forgive us? The true love of the Lord.
Thanks for sharing again.
That is such a great application Di. The word of God living in us should change us an help us to be better people. I always remember how Jesus resisted Satan when he was tested. With each temptation he answered with, "It is written." The word will help us resist too and the more of it we have the better at resisting we are. I really enjoy your sharing. Sandyd