Thank You For The Link
Hello All of My Brothers and Sisters:
First, let me pray. Father, I thank you for waking me up in my right state of mind and starting me on my way. I thank you for allowing me to have an able body to go out and work for a living and make enough money to support me and my family. Father, I ask that you bless this entire board so it will only be about you and you only. I thank you and praise you for all that you have done and all that you are going to do for us that read the posts on this board. Continue to use us as we go forward. In Jesus name I pray Amen.
Thank you for posting the this link on the main message board and I hope that I am able to get back here without the link. I am so glad to see there is godly people posting on this board because I have seen some ungodly postings on the main board. I am a true lurker and sometimes post but hardly ever.
I am blessed to be getting my surgery on December 15, 2006 and I know that God is going to bless me with good health and a speedy recovery. I thank God for giving me approval to get the surgery.
I pray that I can continue to communicate with all of Gods chosen. Keep me in your prayers as we go forward.
Be Blessed!
Hi Treena,
Welcome. I to have been lurking but have recently started posting on the main board. I will not be ashamed of the Gospel!! Lots of people need to hear so don't be shy about posting there. Jesus did not tolerate sin and we should not either. Just pray about your timing of what you say and always point to the Lord. We can get caught up in trash sometimes, just let your light shine...
Love in the Lord
I really look forward to getting to know everyone better on this board. I was so excited to see this site on the main board. I have been looking for a place where I fit even better.
This surgery is such a blessing. Prior to my surgery I had my friends prayer over me and lay hands. What an experience! I came through the surgery with flying colors! The Lord was with me during the entire process.
I will keep you in my prayers for a fast healing process. Trust in the Lord and he will meet your every need.
Sisters in Christ,
Treena...this is the best board I have found as far as love for one another and Christ glorfied which is unheard of on other boards. We all need to find our place where we feel comfortable and this is mine. WOW, you are going to be so blessed by the changes the Lord will do through this surgery.
I will be praying for you....IN Christ's love,
Joan M