Gods Plans v. My Plans...
You know, sometimes it's so hard to let go of my plans - my desires - my dreams. But, when I pray, Your will be done - He listens.
My husband and I have been scrambling trying to get things together to go to Israel in March with our church. I went last year, and it's the greatest trip. My husband and I were separated then and he didn't go. So, we figured - ok - this will be our time! But, we tried to hard, and it wasn't coming together. We have a sweet little car that we don't use, so we could sell it to pay for the trip - would it sell? No. We tried other things, and kept hitting a wall.
Last week was a hard week with my kids. My son is still walking in darkness and my daughter is still struggling, but doing better. Suddenly, it dawned on me - what am I doing thinking about going away for 2 weeks in March for? I have a job here and they need me (they say they don't but I know better). My daughter desperately wants to go to England to visit her best friend over spring break. So, my husband and I put aside what we thought was what we're supposed to do, and looked at being there for the kids.
So, now, we're looking at going to England for a week in April. Praise God that He revealed this to us before we put more (non-refundable) money towards Israel! May He bless our plans to vacation in England with my daughter and maybe my son ( probably not - he doesn't want to go). My daughter will spend most of her time with her friend, but we'll have a couple of days, and my husband and I can spend some time nurturing our marriage too.
His will - which is perfect - be done!
I know I always struggle with letting go and giving it up to God. I then always have to look back and laugh at how easy his ways are and how He must be shaking His head (I often times picture Him rubbing his forehead while thinking, when will they ever learn) The best thing is that you are being obedient and listening to what He is telling you. You will always be rewarded.
In His Grip ~ Maryann