Friday Coffee Talk
It's Friday
it's Friday,
it's finally Friday! WOO HOO! The weekend is almost here!
Got big plans? We have play off High School football tonight here, then the BIG Iron Bowl tomorrow, then we are headed to Troy University for more football as they play Arkansas State. Can we say FOOTBALL!?
It's time to rise and shine! Gotta spray them pits and eat dem grits!
I can promise you, I am NOT a redneck, but I LOVE that saying! I have 3 very close friends and when we were growing up, when I'd spend the night at their house, that's what their dad would say as he woke us up. I would laugh everytime! Gotta get up and get going!
Our challenge today is to stand tall. We all face troubles in life. We can be a victor through the storm though. God makes us victorious in EVERYTHING we face! He wants us to give Him all our cares. He said to cast your cares upon me for I care for you! After we give our cares/troubles to Him, we can stand tall and look back after we have gone through each and every storm and say, "I made it through!" I'm ok. Thank GOD! So stand tall today. No matter how big the storm, you are going to be ok when you get through it! God is bigger than your storm! This too shall pass!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? It's Foldger's regular today with sweet-n-low and creamer. For those asking, I get my Pumpkin Spice flavored coffee from Fresh Market. You can go online to freshmarket dot com and order it if you don't have one near you. BELIEVE me when I say this stuff is good and worth the $$$!!!
I hope you all have a wonderful, blessed, and STANDING TALL Friday!

Randall, God always knows what we need to hear and he has used you to speak to my heart once again. You see, my husband was fired yesterday. The company he works for sold out to another company and since they only made $30 million instead of $50 million the big wigs in the company made them cut 17 people and unfortunately my husband is one of them. He has worked for this company for almost 10 years. It is very devastating for us. But I know God will get us through this as HE is bigger than this storm. Just please keep Paul and I and our girls in your prayers.
Thank you for your reminder to be strong in the Lord!
I pray you have comfort and peace as you face this trial. I pray your husband stands tall. Don't you just love how God uses people all around us to speak words of wisdom and encouragement at the very moment we most need it?
God bless!
Good mornin' Randall
My granddaughter has a Karate tournament this weekend so we will be enjoying that. Also, doing the shopping for Thanksgiving dinner. Thanksgiving snuck right up on me this year and yikes Christmas is right around the corner......get those credit cards warmed up......not to warm
. Well, the Gevalia is calling me. Have a great weekend. Are you all unpacked? Hugs, Sandyd