Tuesday Coffee Talk
Honey, I'm home!
Can you say SHEW??!!??!
I am pooped! We are all moved and settled. The cable guy just left so we now have cable and internet. Bout time huh? It only takes them the flick of a switch to turn some poor soul off but takes them a week to do a transfer! Go figure!
We had church family that showed up and moved us and it was so smooth and fast! God has truly blessed me and my children. Our new home is so nice! I'll have to post some pics of it soon!
So! Who's up? What cha sippin' on? Me? I'm sipping on my Pumpkin Spice and loving it! Excuse me for no challenge today. I will get it started back tomorrow morning. I'm so pooped!
Sorry excuse huh? I have been so mentally and physicaly exhausted with this move. Church family put there foot down to me yesterday and MADE me get out of the way so they could get things done w/o me.
See how blessed I am?
I love you all and I have missed you more than you know!!

Good Morning!
I have missed some posts somewhere. I did not know you were moving! Guess what? I am going to be moving soon, too! I am trying to get things packed and organized. Hubby is being transferred to Charleston, SC, and we are moving in mid January. So much to do with the holidays being around the corner, and I want to be mostly done before then so I can relax! So glad to hear you had so much help! Take a break for a while....kick your feet back...and enjoy!!!

I am so happy for you and the kids getting a new home is exciting. I have made several moves in my life and each one has brought it's own special fun and challenge. Isn't it wonderful to have a church family? I don't know how people get along in life without them. Being part of God's family has so many blessings and you are one of them. We missed your challenge everyday and I went looking for you as you know. I keep a pretty close eye out for you
. You get rested up and we will be looking forward to the challenge next week. Hugs, Sandyd