Thursday Coffee Talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! I hope you have slept well and now you are up, at 'em, and ready to face a new day! Time to rise and shine! Spray those pits and eat those grits!
Our challenge today is to be slow to speak. In ohter words, a wise man thinks before he talks. Sometimes it is good for us to think about what we are about to say. I know from my own experiences that I blurt out that I will do something for someone or for some organization w/o thinking about what all I will be doing. I get myself overloaded. Speaking before we think can also hurt others. It always pays and benefits us to think before we speak!
SO! Who's up today? What cha sipping on? Me? I have my hazelnut coffee right here beside me. It's so savory and hot on this cool morning. Gotta love it!
I hope you all have a blessed and wonderful day! Think before you speak.
Please continue to pray for George and Georgina Price. George's father passed away yesterday. My heart goes out to them.
Randall I want to tell you the first time my granddaughter read you morning post with,"Spray them pits and eat them grits," she just cracked up laughing and laughs every time she reads that. She had never heard that southern expression being originally from WI. She is just waking up when I am reading your posts and likes to read along with me and loves your expressions and challenges. If we all would do better at controlling our tongue what a better world it would be. I work on this daily. Have a great day
Hugs, Sandyd

I didn't even realize that there was a christianity message board!! I love it! Thank you for the challenge today as I tend to speak before I think sometimes!! I have said my prayers for George and Georgina!
I am up and at 'em this morning as I run a day care. The children are at free play and are playing nicely this morning!! I just poured myself a cup of decaf coffee with unjury protein...hopefully will warm me up this is cold here and going to get colder as the wind advisory is wind gusts up to 50 mph this afternoon along with a couple inches of expected snow!!! i really do not care much for winter, especially since wls!! I am FREEZING all the time!
God has blessed my life so very much and hope that everyone out there has a Blessed day also!!!