The elections over
Yea....I know what you mean. In our is too close to call...and though one of the candidates is declaring victory....there is going to be a recount. I wish people would research issues before they vote. It would solve a lot of problems. Now...there is the recount...and probably a lawsuit. In other is going to be a long drawn out thing....UUUUUGGGGHHHH.

Yep - things didn't go as I hoped either... especially the bill that would make underage minors need parental approval before having an abortion. I can't believe that as it is, kids don't have to tell their parents or get approval for such a big decision. It makes me shudder to think of all the girls (esp. girls!) who will look back on a decision made when they weren't old enough to decide wherein they ended a beautiful life...{{{sigh}}}. Lord, how long? When are you coming back for us? We look to You...
I'm not really democrat or republican - but I'm more conservative than I used to be, and I have a couple of issues that make me stand and take notice. There's a great song by Ceily Rain (sp?) where he's singing about people asking his opinion of the war, the Left, the Right - and he says - you ask me my position? My position in kneeling!
Glad you're pleased!