Do you EVER???
Find yourself .................
Looking in the mirror wondering who that skinny person is?
Look at your clothes and find it hard to believe those are your's?
Look at your clothes and STILL find it hard to believe you wear that?
Look at your before pics and say NEVER AGAIN!?
Wonder why you didn't have WLS sooner?
Find it hard to believe you are off all that medicine you were on before WLS?
Still see yourself as you were before WLS?
Put on your before clothes and just laugh?


Good Mornin' Randall,
Truthfully, I never look in the mirror that I don't (1) appreciate the weight loss, and (2) remember the heavier me. I call it my "see-saw" image.
I just returned from a wonderful "solo" cruise and it was unbelievable. Strangers would pass and say "I saw your pictures in the photo gallery....they are so good." Do you know how many 1000's of photos end up on that photo board? I'm humbled by their words and blessed to have had WLS.
As fun as the week is good to be back to my cafe con leche w/splenda.
Have a blessed Sunday.

There are so many things that this surgery has done for me and last night I experienced one of them. I had prayed for the Lord to be able to let me kneel again to worship Him. Last night we had a lesson in Job...the portion where he says' I k ow my Redeemer lives" and the we had an "afterglow" which time the Pastor said, if you want to stand...stand...I said to the Lord..I would love to kneel...can I Lord? And then the song came on..."Come let us worship and bow down, let us "kneel" before the Lord our God our Maker" that is one of my favorite verses in Psalms and favorite songs. I started to cry and then got down on my knees and prayed thanking the Lord for answering my cry. I even got up unassisted. He is so faithful to know our hearts desires and to meet them in His time. I am thrilled at being able to walk, stand and do things that were so difficult ot even impossible before. The size is great but not the most important thing. I no longer feel enslaved by my body.
It is funny though when I am folding and hanging clothes to believe these are my clothes and not someone elses.
The Lord is good and I praise Jesus daily (many times a day) for this tool to help me be all He desires me to be.
In Christ,
Joan M
Well, when I am not looking in the mirror, I thank God for the many blessings this surgery has given me. No more meds, clothes that make me feel proud to hold my head high, more energy, more desire to be active, no apnea, not as much pain, etc.
But, when I look in the mirror, I still see that obese person I have been most of my life. I ask God daily to help heal my mind and spirit the way God has healed my body.
Looking in the mirror wondering who that skinny person is? YEAP!!
Look at your clothes and find it hard to believe those are your's? YEAP!
Look at your clothes and STILL find it hard to believe you wear that? YES
Look at your before pics and say NEVER AGAIN!? OF COURSE!
Wonder why you didn't have WLS sooner? ALL THE TIME!!
Find it hard to believe you are off all that medicine you were on before WLS? Not really, because I thank God I never was on meds for being sick/obese.
Still see yourself as you were before WLS? Nope! I'm mentally now cured by the grace of God!
Put on your before clothes and just laugh? Hahaha yes!
I'm a little over 2 years out and almost 32 weeks (8 1/2 months) pregnant. I'm so small, people don't think I'm pregnant...
Since I'm a little over 2 years postop, I feel I'm mentally now cured and don't remember much of when I was big (335lbs). It's only when I see before pictures that I remember I was over 300lbs and wearing a size 26-28.
-162 (before getting pragnant)
EDD 12/28/06
31 weeks and 5 days pregnant w/ Genesis Anahi!(pronounced in Spanish)