Wednesday coffee talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone! I hope you have slept well and now up and ready to face the day! Time to get up and at 'em! Rise and shine!
Our challenge today is to simply enjoy your day.
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on this morning? Me? You guessed it! Pumpkin Spice coffee today!
I hope you all have a loving, blessed, wonderful, and enjoyable day! Randall 

Good Morning Everyone!
I know I haven't posted in a while, but w/ 3 children and all of life's other responsibilities..... Anyway, I covet everyone's prayers for the next few days as my husband, George's dad has colon surgery on Thursday and we aren't sure how it will all turn out. He may have to have a colostomy and with George being the only caregiver it is going to be rough on him. His dad has been through chemo and radiation for the last couple of months so prayerfully this surgery will take care of the rest of the cancer. I know God has us in His hands and that whatever His will is, we will be able to handle the outcome. Thank you so much and I pray that everyone has a great and blessed day.
May God bless you!
Hey Georgina!
Praying for your family! I am also in and out these day...also have 3 kids (so far) and hubby deployed...due back in a few weeks...building a house...lots of things. So...I understand....and am also here and there these days!
I will continue to pray for your family. Let us know how it goes!
Take care.

Hey Randall!
Just wanted to say...'mornin'. I am here and there these days with Dan due to come home in a few weeks....building our house...homeschooling the kids...and a myriad of other things...but I think about everybody and pray for them daily!
I actually have not had any coffee today. I am trying to be good today and it is very difficult. I had some yesterday...but am not supposed to have a lot. They are learning that even decaf has more caffeine than they originally thought. And...yesterday...I had three dr appts one with the cardiologist. I have yet another new arrythmia to add to the list. The good thing is that I don't need to have surgery just yet. It is just wierd that I feel better than I have felt in years....and now something else it added to my already long list. So...I ask for prayer...that this will not develop into something serious and will remain just an annoyance.
Either way...I am going to enjoy my day..and the honor of having my kids at home with me. We did not get a lot done with all of my appts today is a serious make up day!
Have a great one!