Verse of the day
Wait - wow - I was praying this morning to really have peace about the Lord's timing for things in my life - wait - wait for His plans to come through as He desires - don't be Sarah and go figure out how to make things happen. Thanks Sandy for reiterating my prayers this morning and the word from God that I can be strong and take heart and wait...
PS - I posted a couple of pictures on my profile of us in Tahoe! Praise God. You know, last year there is NO WAY my husband and I would have gone on a couples retreat. Our marriage was in shambles. I was only married to him because I had promised God that I'd stay in my vows. Now, the Lord has restored what the locust have eaten...
Praise God!
OH WOW! While praying last week, the Lord spoke this very thing in my spirit! Not only me, but as I was talking to my sister, He had spoken the same thing to her. Our church is going through some major transission right now and I shared this with them too. I felt led in my spirit. Too often we want to get in our on time and in a hurry when God is saying, "Just wait on me. Let me mount you up with those wings of eagles like I said I would do." My my! Waiting is all we need to do sometimes! Thank you Sandy. Didn't mean to preach.
Have a blessed day! Randall 

Are you kidding Randall????? Please don't apologize for preaching to me.....I love preaching of God's word and so happy to hear from you as always. I am sorry I did not get back to you sooner but been to a Gospel Meeting every night this week so with the potlucks and getting ready it has been a fun filled week and not left me with much time. This is a big transition time for many churches and we must stay close to the word of God and prayer. Hugs, Sandyd