Friday coffee talk
It's Friday, it's Friday, it's finally Friday!
Time to rise and shine! I hope you are up and at 'em ready to face a wonderful day!
Our challenge today is to STAND! There was a song a few years ago that simply said, "You've got to stand for something or your fall for anything". Quite a powerful statement there! So true! Stand for what you know is right today! Stand for good morals! Stand for good beliefs! Stand for what you were raised to believe. We also need to instill in those younger around us what we believe and what we know is right. Our world is in such a mess with beliefs today. We can change it and turn it around if we will just STAND!
SO! Who's up? What cha sipping on today? Me? I'm sitting here sipping on my Maxwell House regular blend today.
I've already washed and dried some laundry, cleaned out some kitchen drawers, and made cinnamon toast for Torey and Allison this morning. Lee is snoozing away! It's so good to have him home even if it is for only 3 more days! I've had Lori the last 2 weeks also and she has had the week off from school for fall break. That is really griping Torey and Allison.
Ya'll have a blessed and wonderful day as you STAND!

I am standing on the promises of God. That is one of my favorite songs and your challenge reminded me of what I want to stand for and I will be humming that song all day. You give Lee a big hug from me and tell him I said Thank You for serving our country. I'm sippin' my Gevalia, Yummmmmm. Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Sandyd
Hi Randall,
I have been AWOL from the Christian forum for a while. Just gong through some stuff and having a hard time dealing with it.
Your post reminded me of the Amish families here in PA, and how they have forgiven the killer of those little girls. Some of the Amish have even attended the funeral of the killer and have visited the killer's family and offered their forgiveness. The killer's family has also attended the girls' funerals by special invitation from the families of the girls. That is a testimony to standing on what you believe. They teach this to their youngsters.
Just wanted to say HI.