Thursday coffee talk
Good Thursday morning everyone!
What a day!
My nephew (who I am guardian of aww shoot, he's my son too), Lee surprised me during the night! He's on his way home for 4 days and leaves for Iraq on Sunday. It's a bitter sweet time I guess. He's been gone for 3 months for training and got a short 4 day break before flying out. He wanted to come HOME! Made me feel so proud! He'll be here around 9 this morning and I can't wait! I'm gonna fix him the BEST supper he has ever had tonight. That boy loves to eat! Ya'll please pray for Lee! He has so many emotions going on right now. He's only 18 and hasn't even lived life and headed to war. SO many of our troops are there fighting and they need our prayers!
Also, my cousin just got off the bus in Andalusia HOME FROM IRAQ. One home and one leaving! I'm so glad that David is home after 16 months. Now, it is Lee's time. My heart is heavy for him. Thank you for praying for him!
Our challenge today is to COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS! When you see your troubles, step back and count your blessings instead of focusing on the troubles. Your blessings always out weigh your troubles. We are ALL so blessed. We have life, we have health, we have food, we have a home, we have FAMILY, we have EACH OTHER! You are ALL a blessing to me! When I look at how blessed I am, I get over whelmed! I am thankful for my blessings! I'm thankful for YOU!
SO! Who's up? What cha sipping on this morning? Me? I'm sipping on my Maxwell House regular blend this morning.
I hope you all have a wonderful day counting your blessings! Randall 

Hi Randall,
I haven't been here in awhile. I love your challenges. They always inspire me.
I will keep Lee in my prayers. We get medical at Walter Reed Army hospital in DC. Well, they have a lot of soldiers there recouperating from injuries. It always brings tears to my eyes to see the "babies" that are dealing with so much. I don't say babies in a mean way, just meaning that they are soooo young. So very young to be going to war and so very young to have to suffer from injuries. I appreciate that they are willing to sacrifice for our country. Now that we are retired it feels weird that I don't have to worry about my husband going away anymore. I am glad your cousin is home safe.
I appreciate the challenge to count my blessings. I was in a real funk the past couple of days. I had to remind myself just how good we have it. Yes, there are problems and they are sometimes hard to walk through. But there is always something to thank God for, even the troubles. And there is always someone who is struggling with worse. Thank you Lord for so many blessings in my life. I love you Jesus.
Hugs, Robin
How blessed we are to have those like your nephew and cousine willing to serve our country the way the do. At 57 they look so young and are so young to be going off to war. I pray they will be safe and appreciate so much all that they do so we can live in freedom. Have a wonderful day Randall, I count my blessings for you. Hugs, Sandyd