Good Morning All!!
It is another beautiful day that the Lord has given us!! Although I wish I were still in bed.
I woke up at 4:15 am for some reason and could not go back to sleep. We are having homecoming at our church and I'm looking forward to that. My husband will be singing a solo. The song is "Can I Pray For You?" by Mark Bishop (I think). It is a beautiful song and one I think our church needs to hear right now. We lost our pastor at the end of September and this is definitely a time we need to be praying for one another. It is like Brother Rick said during his last sermon, the wolves will be coming out of the woodwork to try to stir up trouble among the sheep. The choir is singing "Everlasting" also which is a good song too. Paul and I are on the fellowship committee so after singing, we will be helping set up food.
I recently had my blood work done. My B12 is extremely low. I've been taking a sublingual B12 every day but I guess my body is not absorbing it. My doc has started me on the shots and the nurse said it would take 3 to 4 months before I started feeling any difference. I had noticed that I just felt tired easily. It is easy for me to sit down and take a nap. I haven't had any tingling or anything in my extremities though. Anyway, I would appreciate everyone praying for my B12. Everything else looked okay.
Anyway, I just thought I would wish everyone a blessed day today. I pray everyone is able to get to their church today and enjoy worshipping and fellowshipping with your brothers and sisters in Christ.

Hi Shel, I will keep you and your church in my prayers. Satan is always looking for any opening to cause trouble and there will always sadly be those that do his bidding. That is very discouraging about your B12 being low when you have taken it faithfully. I pray you will feel better real soon. I am off to church this morning. I teach the ladies bible study on Sunday morning and 8 to 10 year olds on Wednesday. You have a wonderful Lord's Day.
Hugs, Sandyd
Hello Shel,
I was not feeling well this morning, so I did not make it to church. In addition to being exhausted all the time, I have a sinus headache. I wonder about my bloodwork, if they are going to do it at my 6 week check-up.
My church just went through the loss of our pastor in June. We had a very rough summer, and our Children's Ministry is suffering the lack of staffing it needs to meet all the needs that exist. Last week we voted to have our Associate Pastor take the position of Senior Pastor. While 92% of the congregation voted in favor, I don't know if the Associate Pastor accepted the call.
I am having a bad day, and I think I am under serious attack from the enemy. I am extremely depressed. I would appreciate prayers for my attitude right now.
Trish, I hope and pray you are doing better today. I remember at my first blood work my iron was low. I took prescribed iron pills for a while and started feeling better. Depression is terrible. Satan tries to use depression in my life as often as possible. I went through severe depression after having my youngest daughter but am feeling better. I had gotten to the point that the old "Shelly" was gone and I just didn't know how to get her back. I don't think you ever get that "old" person back. I am better now but still fight it every once in a while. I will keep you and your church in my prayers. We are lucky to have two wonderful associate pastors. Brother BJ is our music minister and helps with the youth also. Then Brother Steve works with the children and senior adults. I do keep them in my prayers though. Someone said something to BJ yesterday before church and it upset him. The choir gathered around him and prayed for him. He is taking the brunt of everything and it has to be hard. Anyway, I just wanted to see how you were doing today. I pray you are feeling better. You just have to decide not to let satan have the victory.
Hi Trish. I am sorry you haven't been feeling well. I just want to encourage you that the exhaustion is normal at this stage and you will pick up energy soon. It was after the 8 week mark for me that I finally started feeling "normal" again. I still get tired from time to time but for the most part I have energy to spare. You will also find that your emotions are really whacked right now. I find that when I am tired I am not always at my best emotionally. I get really down when I am tired and part of that is due to lack of nutrition too, I think. You are in my prayers. Hang in there. Even though you are tired and depressed, the enemy cannot hold you down. God is for you, so who can be against you!
Hugs, Robin