Thursday coffee talk
Good Thursday morning everyone! It's going to be a wonderful day! Time to rise and shine!
Our challenge today is to have an attitude check! Yep! I have to have one too. We need to ask ourselves this question. Is my attitude in line or am I being a stinker? Are there times when I know I am wrong and just won't admit it? Do I cause people to not like me or not want to be around me? Do I stir up strife? Do I cause un-necessary trouble? If so, we need to check our attitudes. A bad or sour attitude can ruin anything and even ruin us. A good attitude can and will take you a LONG way in life. I have to continuously check my attitude. I want to be a person of integrity. A person that everyone likes. Hard to do? Yes! But I work hard at it. We all should! Life is what we make of it and how our attitude is, affects the whole world. How are you affecting the world?
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? I'm sipping on my plain joe this a.m. with sweet-n-low and creamer.
I hope you have a blessed, wonderful, and a great attitude checking day! Randall 

Thanks for the reminder Randall. Attitude is the one thing that gives me more trouble at times. I started smiling through it and it works......I just smile at everyone I know even though I might be feeling bad an this causes them to smile back and the next thing you know I am feeling lots better. Now this does not mean that every once in a while I don't allow myself a good cry because I do. I choose my feeling now instead of allowing them to rule over me. Hugs, Sandyd
PS I have to confess there is a little tiny bit of a pot stirer left in me from my old life before becoming a Christian and it rears its little ugly head every once in a while
but I SWAT it down.

Good Evening Randall,
I had to get out the door this morning and get back to work after a long, luxurious recuperation period from my surgery. I am back to work, my feet ache and my heart is heavy. I had a good attitude at work, but I really need to get on top of my classes, because they do not know how to act in a classroom.
Sorry to be such a bummer.