Praise Report for first Labs
Hello everyone....I went to Dr. Strickland's yesterday for checkup since my labs were done last week. These are first since I had my surgery on April 25, 2006. All results were great! A little low in iron but he said not bad so don't worry. I weighed in w/clothes at 204. That is 86 since surgery. When I weighed at home w/clothes I weighed the same as his office. Also, in undies I weighed 202. That is 88 since surgery.
I am amazed at how many things I can do now that I couldn't do before.
Like climbing on a step stool and cleaning my ceiling fan!!! Everyday is a new day of discovery and rejoicing!
I praise the Lord for this surgery and for hearing my cry for mercy and help. May you be encouraged by this also.
Thanks for your support and prayers.
In Christ's love and grace,
Joan M

Praise the Lord! You're doing so great! I go in for labs in a couple of weeks. My surgery was the day after yours. I did labs at 3 months and they showed everything fine. I praise the Lord also for this surgery. He is the true giver of life!
Keep up the great work! Thanks for the reminder that ceiling fans need to be dusted!
252/165/125 are toooo funny...I just saw that your goal is that your personal or the one the Dr. set for you?
I asked Dr. Strickland but was confused by what he said..I need to ask him again to clearify....he said 170lbs but that can't be goal...maybe it was how much I should lose. Which would make goal 120. If I am wearing L and XL now at 201 (today), what size would I be at 120???? Yikes...that scares me.
Joan - my doc hasn't set a goal for me. I'm only 5' 1/2" tall, so I looked at where I'd need to be to have a normal BMI, and it's 129. So, my goal is 125. Also, I weighed 125 years ago, and it felt good. Honestly, I think anything under 140 would be great, but I do want to set my sights on 125. Here at 165, I'm wearing some size 12's and size large - so I'm going for "small" as my goal - but that's mostly because I'm so short.
Anyway - there you have it!
Have a great day! - Carolyn