I pray for you....
Father God, I come to you on behalf of the MANY needs your children and my friends have here on this board. Whether known or unknown Father. You are so faithful!! You have brought all of us through so many things. Healed us many times. Delivered us from troubles. Gave financial miracles when we didn't know where the next dime was coming from. Touched our families when we needed you to touch them. Now God, You are the same God that has done these things for us before. You are also the same God that done these things in the Bible for others. The same GOD that did it then, can do it NOW! I ask that you move on behalf of the MANY NEEDS my FRIENDS and FAMILY here have. Heal God. Save God. Deliver God. Meet the needs we have. I stand on your Word for healing. You said in your Word in Isaiah 53:5 that you were wounded for our transgressions (sins), bruised for our iniquities (sickness), the chastisment of our peace is upon you and with your stripes, we are healed. I stand on this, your WORD, in faith believing that you are going to MOVE on behalf of my family. EVERY NEED supplied. You said in your Word that You would supply all our need. But my God shall supply all your need, according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:19. I believe this. My family needs YOU to move on their behalf. God, you have NEVER failed me! NEVER let me down, and HAVE NEVER LEFT ME! You promised this in Hebrews 13:5. I thank you for your promises Father. I thank you now that You are going to move on each one's behalf. Touch EACH PERSON. Touch their spouses. Touch their CHILDREN. Touch their FINANCES. Heal their minds, spirit, and body. Where they are at this very moment, I ask that you reach down and touch, minister, and help them God! What ever the need may be, I ask these things in Your wonderful Son, Jesus' name. AMEN!
I KNOW W/O A DOUBT!! We are going to hear praise reports from you guys!
I felt lead to pray for you tonight. Thanks for allowing me to do so!! God IS GOOD!

Thank you Randall. I was going to post 2 prayer requests - and your prayer covered them. But specifically -
1). My brother and his wife have friends - Mike & Heidi Farley. Heidi was riding a horse in July and it threw her, and stomped on her chest. Heidi fought a long hard battle, but went to be with the Lord yesterday. Please pray for Mike and their 2 small children. Please pray that they will know Jesus!
2). At a doc appt on Friday, my doc found a lump. I went for a mammogram yesterday and should hear back in the next couple of days. I have a deep peace about this, and feel that the Lord can work through this. My prayer is for His will to be done. If it is cancer, praise the Lord, and may this be a mighty tool in bringing my children back to the cross. If it is not, praise the Lord, and may He provide the way for my children to come back to the cross.
Praise the Lord - in all things! Have a great day all!
I love that song too. It's a great one.
I'll be praying for your brothers friends and for a good report from the Lord regarding your mammogram. He is faithful and He is mindful of our needs, even before we know we have a need. We will pray that the Lord will touch your body and heal you of whatever taht lump is.
By the way, I love your new pic on your posts. You look wonderful!
Hugs, Robin
Thanks Robin. I like that new pic too. I have a picture of me with my kids when they were really little and I was thin. I haven't been able to put it up because people would ask who that was with my kids. This new pic actually looks like an older version of the picture with me and my kids, so it's time for me to put it back up on my wall.
Thanks for the prayers also! Have a great day! ~Carolyn