Thursday coffee talk
Good Thursday morning to my family! I hope you have slept well and now you're up and ready to face a WONDERFUL day! It's almost the WEEKEND! Almost High School Football night!
We are HUGE HS Football folks around here!
Our challenge today is to think on another thought. Here goes, "The way you 'see' your life 'shapes' your life!" How do you see your life shaping? Are you seeing it in a positive way or a negative way?
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my Maxwell House regular blend this morning with sweet-n-low and cream. Sooooo good!
Time to rise and SHINE!
I hope you all have a blessed, wonderful, and great life shaping day! Randall 

Good morning. I am finding that as my one year anniversary approaches next month, I am reflecting on the changes of the past year. My quality of life has increased significantly. I have more energy, confidence, and self esteem. I like myself. I also find myself at a turning point where I want to pursue what God really has planned for me. Up to this point, my life was consumed with trying to loose weight so that I could move on with my life. Now life is happening and it's exciting. I know that I was living a good life before the surgery, but now it's so much more...I can't find words to describe it. I'm noticing that I really focus on the important things in life: my family and friends and being a servant to my fellow man. I love volunteer work and find myself getting so much out of it (as opposed to my daytime job). So much so that I have started praying for direction in the area of relationships and opportunities for paths toward a career in nonprofit organizations (like church, Special Olympics, etc.)
I've lost 110 pounds so far and want to loose 50 more. Doing the work to reach that goal is so different than before WLS...I have hope now and confidence that I have the skill and determination to do it!
Have a great day everyone~
360 Oct 2005
250 today
200 goal
Hi Randall,
I find this topic interesting. I am one who struggles with low self-esteem, even on a good day. Yet, I am trying to fight it with the statements of Who I Am in Christ. Scripture is my weapon.
God had started an interesting thing in my life five years ago, when my husband left me. I stopped drinking and started graduate school. Now, I am trying to start a new career.
I am sipping on my decaf diet iced tea.