Tuesday coffee talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! I'm late!
I've been up since 3 a.m. Been reading for a couple of hours then I started cleaning house! I've done 3 loads of laundry, dried and put them away. I almost let time slip away. I've got a LOT on my mind.
Our challenge for today is to EXPECT!! Expect something good to happen in your life today! Not just today, but everyday! Expectation is a good thing! If you are always looking for bad things to happen in your life or those in your family, then only bad things WILL happen! I'm expecting good things today!
SO! Who's up? What cha sipping on this morning? I've already had my pot of Maxwell House with sweet-n-low and creamer. Now I'm sipping on my vanilla coffee protein frappe. Breakfast for me this a.m. and it's a good thing!
I hope ya'll have a blessed and wonderful Tuesday! Randall 

Good Morning Randall,
I slept in this morning. I am having trouble falling asleep at night. I can't get comfortable.
I have high expectations of myself these days. But today, I see the doc for my post op visit. Hopefully the scale will be kind.
I had a chocolate, sugar-free Instant Breakfast for my sipping. I have to go refill my iced tea cup.
Have a blessed day.