Monday coffee talk
Good Monday Morning everyone! It's time to rise and shine on this beautiful morning! It's Monday and time to start a new week. School, work, housework and LIFE must get going!
Our challenge today in our hustle and bustle of life, is to remember those who lost their lives on 9/11. Today we mark 5 years that changed the history of the US. Changed the lives of many. Changed our outlook on FREEDOM and SECURITY! Please keep the family members who lost loved ones on that day. Stop in your day and say a prayer for them. Have a moment of silence to honor them. They are our HEROS! God bless each and every person that lost a loved one! My heart goes out!
Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on my Maxwell House with sweet-n-low and cream as I think about the fallen of 9/11. God bless you all today! Randall 

Good Morning Randall,
I am thinking of the 9/11 victims a lot lately. I live 90 minutes from New York and saw the smoke rising from the site the day after the attack. I have also been the the World Trade Center site this year and saw it.
It makes me think of where our security is. It is not in a strong military, but in the Lord. He is in charge of all of my days, and He decides when and how to take me home. When I put my trust in Him, I am at peace, and fear no evil.
I am sipping on a Isopure Grape Frost protein drink. Gotta get those protein grams in.
Hi Randall. I missed all of last weeks posts, very busy at work. It's a lot quieter today so it's nice. A rainy day here to start with. I am praying for the families who where so affected by the 9/11 tragedies. I heard on the radio this AM that there were over 2000 (something like 2400) killed in NY alone that day but only less than 1600 were identified. It must have been awful for those families whose loved ones could not be identified. So sad. I am praying for them too. I thank the Lord that He provides a Comforter for us and He is aquainted with our grief. What a wonderful loving Father and Lord! I pray that all of the families who lost loved ones are able to feel and experience His presence in their lives and know that He loves each one of them so very much.
Sippin on water, as always. Today's weather and cooler temps of late are reminders that summer is over. We moved here last summer and in Oct the weather was sooo cool. I remember getting cold and not warming up again until sometime in May!!! I am going to miss summer. I do not like being cold.
I am ALWAYS cold, I stay wrapped in a blanket whenever we are sitting around. I take a blanket to the movies and wouldn't mind one in most restaurants we go to. I even would like one at church but settle for just a jacket.
So, I am gonna get cold again soon and will stay that way for months!
Have a wonderful day!
Hugs, Robin