Quest. About God And WLS
First of all I would like to say hello and God bless to everyone here. I am new to this particular board. I must admit that I have not been to church in years. I attended for at least 12 years as a born again christian. I will never blame my leaving on God. I know that God is good and I hope that I can one day find a place of worship where I can feel comfortable and be able to get over past memories.
Here is my question:
How do christians feel on how they believe God views WLS? Maybe this is a silly question, but my father, being a born again believer, and still goes to church, said something that kind of upset me, had me think he was silly, and also had me wondering at same time. When I told him about the surgery, he did not show anger towards me, but did not show much support either. He said that he can't keep me from my decision because I am an adult and he knows it's my choice, however, I should take into account that God does not like for us to alter our bodies.
I don't see it this way because it's not like getting a tatoo or crazy piercing, or that this is something cosmetic to me for purely physical transformation. I told him this and that I am doing this foremost for my health. That he having high blood pressure like me, and him having had 2 strokes should understand why I would feel the need to do this. Personally, I feel his actual concern is me changing, becoming more my own person, actually finding someone, and not needing him anymore. This really upsets me 'cause I am going on 33 now (yes I am a late bloomer and spent too many years depressed and secluded, but determined to make serious changes now) and I am so tired of the life I have had due to my weight. Doesn't he want me to be happy? Is this not selfish of him? He has a way of making me feel guilty and with him having multiple sclerosis now, it's even harder not to feel that way.
Well my father is very, very stubborn and ever since I have made this choice I have noticed that he has made it a point now here and there in different situations of letting people know that he is asking for prayer for his daughter to come back to the ways of the Lord. Mind you, my biggest setback is not attending a church now. That automatically brands me a backslider in the eyes of many, but I do still love the Lord and try to hold to my faith as much as I can.
What I would like to know is what you all think on this body altering thing. Personally, I don't see it that way and I don't believe that God would see it any other way but me wanting to better my health. After all, God has given man wisdom and I believe that wisdom has allowed for the many doctors we have to help us. Our God is a healing God, but sometimes that help comes in different ways. I do believe it's something I should pray on, but only because God may want to save me from serious complications. However, a fathers words can still have an impact and make you second guess things even when you shouldn't and deep down, even with going ahead with the surgery, it's still important to me to get his full support. This has had me thinking for a while, what do you think?
I tried every possible way to lose weight and get control of the eating behaviors before even considering WLS. When I did, I prayed and researched extensively, not only procedures but hospitals. My prayer was for the Lord to make clear His will for my life, especially where the surgery is concerned. What I experienced in the process of getting approvals and clearances was a clear "Green Light" from God. I was processed and had a surgery date within 6 weeks of my initial consultation. I felt God's presence throughout the entire proceeding. He blessed me abundantly at the time of my surgery and has been blessing my socks off since my discharge.
I believe God has allowed human surgeons to develop medical technology to provide us with the "TOOL" of the pouch. WLS is not an easy fix, but being given a tool to control our eating and make the lifestyle changes we need to make to allow us to eat healthy, smaller portions and glorify God with our bodies. It is not easy because it involves risks and is definitely not convenient. I am out of work for four weeks as a result, and the diet at this time is liquid. But, the payoff is I am spending some quality time with the Lord, and I am offering my dietary changes to Him for His glory.
My suggestion would be to pray and seek the Lord in this decision. Pray for your Dad, that the Lord would open his mind and heart to your needs at this time. Get back involved in church. My church has been there for me throughout this process. I am on the prayer list, my pastor called me in the hospital, women from church call or send cards, I am truly blessed.
God is a God of love, He defines Love in His being. Get to know Him from that perspective and worship Him as Love and see how Good He is.
Thank you for your words Tri****ruly appreciate it. I too believe that if all else has failed, and this can truly be a tool towards helping us to eat healthier, then even in God's eyes that is a good thing as I do believe the Lord would want us to take care of our bodies, as well as our spirits. I just wish my father wasn't so stubborn and ridiculous. You are right, prayer is really the only key, and yes, I do admit I must go back to church. Please say a prayer for me, as I will too. I just want to get this overwith and pray that there won't be any serious complications so that with time my father can hopefully see that it was a good thing. Again, thank you and God bless you.

This is a question for your Dad.....If a doctor told him he had to have coronary artery bypass graft due to a blockage....Would he have it? That's altering your body. If his appendix was bad would he leave it in and die from the infection? To have it removed would mean altering his body. Does he take aspirin, tylenol, alieve, ibuprofen, vitamins? If so he's not trusting God for his body....He's altering it by using these substances.
Listen the food you eat every day is ALTERING your body and the weight is destroying your perception of who you are. Don't depend on what other people think. If you do this YOU MUST BE SET AND DO IT FOR YOU!

This is just as I have seen it, but not entirely how I have spoken to him. Your words make a lot of sense and I will tell him this if he tries to say something before the surgery. I have decided I will be doing this because I understand fully as to why I need to, but it's just a little hard when you don't fully have a parents support. I also wanted more assurance from a spiritual perspective, because decided or not, sometimes we can't help feeling certain doubts and that we may be wrong. Thank you so much for responding, I appreciate your words. Hugs to you and God bless.

Elizabeth, First of all GOD BLESS YOUR JOURNEY toward Health and your journey with HIM. I prayed about 7 years ago about WLS and I got a very loud NO. Last year when I again started praying about it I got the green light and the yes. I don't know why I had to wait. I had the surgery last January, I felt His every blessing on the surgery. I had every confidence that I was in the will of God and that He wanted this for me, not just that He was going along with it. If you read the profiles, a huge portion of WLS folks are christian. I think it has something to do with the fact that food is an acceptable escape, vice, addiction, no in His eyes, but in our culture. I feel free of the bondage of food. I am so grateful. There is that scripture that you might meditate on:
If your right eye causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you; for it is more profitable for you that one of your members perish, than for your whole body to be cast into hell.
Matthew 5:28-30
I can not think of another scripture that says it better. I have never regreted giving up part of my stomach!! I also feel that my part of the deal is I have given up sugar. Sugar was a powerful demon in my life. I am free today!!!! I am so grateful that I had God's blessing on my surgery. I thank Him and give Him the praise for my healthy body.
Your words show that you have wisdom and discernment. Those are gifts from God, learn to trust them and don't let others take that away. You will come up against opposition, most of us have. I know when it is a parent, it is much stronger to come against. I am suspecting that your dad, bless his heart, is manipulating you a little with guilt. I am sure you have better insight than anyone else on that. There are many christians that don't believe in WLS, there are many on this website that give God ALL the glory for their release from the prison of obesity through WLS.
It is scary for those close to us to see us bloom and blossom with the loss of weight. But, what a joy it is also.
I have also had some deep wounds from "bad religion", I can't say how much my heart grieves for you. I am praying that you will reach out and that God will bring healthy believers into your life and that you will start CRAVING the fellowship of other believers. All churchs have unhealthy people and broken people, some are in leadership! I pray that you will find a church that really promotes healthy fellowship. I KNOW that is His will for you. The christian walk was just not designed to be traveled alone. There is great joy in christian fellowship, you just have to toughen up your skin a little to be able to deal with the ones in the church who are not so healthy. Like I said, sometimes it's the leadership that is unhealthy, but don't give up the search for where God wants you. He will direct your steps, just ask Him. I pray a special blessing for you today for God's grace and you will hear His voice in your life. You were right to say that He is a good God, He also is our loving Father, our beautiful Savior, our advocate, our protector, our healer, all our hope is in Him. God bless, J.Marie
Hi J. Marie. First off God bless you and thank you for responding. You have truly given me much to think about. Some of what you said are things that I have known, yet needed to be reminded of. I will continue to pray for the Lords will to be done. Ultimately I know he wants me to be healthy, however that should happen, I will leave it in his hands. The scripture you included was not anything that I had remembered or come upon lately, it makes a lot of sense, thank you for sharing that. Your response has been a blessing and I appreciate every word. God bless, and Keep me in prayer, I will do the same.