Tuesday coffee talk
Good Tuesday morning everyone! I hope you have enjoyed your Labor Day weekend and are now up, at 'em, and ready to face a great and wonderful day! It's time to get going!
Our challenge today is to recognize what you are worth! NEVER let anyone tell you you are worth nothing, you can do nothing, or you are not valuable!
YOU are worth more than all the money in the world! You are a special being! A special person! You ARE somebody! You ARE special! You ARE needed! NEVER let anyone tell you anything different! I know a man who is constantly down grading his children. He calls them "stupid", "retarded", fuses about how they never do anything right. I can not stand to be around this person and witness his abuse to his children. I brought his daughter home with me for a week 2 weeks ago. She told me her daddy says a cow has more sense than she does. I told her different! I got so mad! I had my chance to tell this father off too! I also told him yesterday that he is affecting his children's future every time he tells them those type things. This guy makes me so angry!
NEVER let anyone tell you you are not worth a million dollars! NEVER think less of yourself than that either! YOU ARE SOMEBODY SPECIAL!
SO! Who's up? What cha sipping on? I've had 1 cup of coffee and now I am sipping on my chocolate banana protein frappe! You know I LOVE these things!
I hope ya'll have a wonderful, blessed, and SELF VALUE finding day! Randall 

Good Morning Randall,
I know I am worth something. I was bought with the precious blood of Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 6 reminds me of that. I am going to post on a separate blog my list of "Who I am In Christ" by Neil Anderson.
I am sipping my decaf iced tea, but will be making a chocolate protein shake in a minute.
but whoever * causes one of these little ones who believe in Me to stumble, it would be better for him to have a heavy millstone hung around his neck, and to be drowned in the depth of the sea Mt. 18:6 Your friend should head Jesus' warning. Your anger is righteous. It is very sad when parents have a opportunity to be such a posivtive influence on their children and instead take out their wrath on them. It pains my heart to hear such things and know that there are thousands of children in the world who are abused daily they need our prayers and support. Thank you Randall for being there for her. You have changed her whole life with your words. Hugs, Sandyd