Please pray for me
I am asking for prayer. I am getting discouraged by how I feel. I guess I am overdoing it, and getting tired easily. I keep forgetting I am only a week out from surgery.
Also, a male friend I had lost touch with came by today. We had dated years ago. I had given up on men a year ago, trusting the Lord for my relationships, and now I am getting feelings for him again.
Sorry to babble. I just need prayer.
Good Morning Trish-
Please know that what you are going through is completely normal. You are going to feel tired, you did just have surgery a week ago. God is always watching over you and He will protect you and bring you through this. I had the same discouraging feelings, but that truly is the evil one trying to break in and steal away your confidence.
I pray that God will continue to watch over you and that you can feel His spirit working in you.
God Bless and take it one day at a time.
God bless you Trish! You're in a complete whirlwind of emotions and physical recovery right now - so hang on sister! "When in doubt, don't" - so maybe don't call the guy or let him have more time in my mind than is necessary. Take care of yourself and wait upon the Lord for strength and direction.
Take care sweetie!!! - Carolyn