Thursday coffee talk
Good morning everyone. I hope you are up, at 'em, and ready to face the day.
Our challenge today is to not overload ourselves. I'm the king of this let me tell you. Last year at this time I was so overloaded. I had positions at school, substituting as well, then the positions at church and plus trying to be church secretary. I was trying to do good for others as well as the community and even though my heart meant well, I was taking away from my family, myself, and my health. You can be busy doing good for others while at the same time doing your family and yourself harm. What's most important? Your family and yourself! That's what! Don't find yourself like me! Looking back at time wishing! Stop overloading yourself for others trying to look good and do good. Do good for your family and yourself! You will never regret it!
So? Who's up this morning? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping slowly on my coffee protein frappe. No coffee right now.
I hope you have a wonderful, blessed, and uneventful Thursday. Randall 

Good Morning,
I hope your day is blessed today.
I am one of those people.....I can't say NO.
Today I am headed to Troy to work in the Urgent care center because they are short up there.
I took this job so that I would be closer to home than I was to Ozark and well look at me now.....Driving to Troy.
I turned down a position in Dothan that paid more and had no weekends because Newton was closer.....
Oh well there's a blessing to be had in Everything.....

Good morning Randall
I am just getting back in the game after losing some weight so I may have to watch out for this. After 3 years of being pretty immobile and stuck in my bed I want to sign up for everything. I do not want it to take away from my family though. Thanks for the reminder.
I am sippin' on Gevalia traditional roast. I bought a new coffee pot and it filters the water. I never would have believed it but the Gevalia tastes even better...YUMMY.
Have a wonderful day. Hugs, Sandyd

Hi Randall - so glad to see you back and feeling well! I'm sippin my crystal light. I had 2 cups of decaf w/international coffee - mocha - added. I have a job interview today and am pretty nervous, but trying to hand it off to God and let Him make the decisions.
Being overloaded. You know, I'm the most "underloaded" person I know. It's weird. I used to do "everything" but then someone told me that BUSY stands for:
B eing
U nder
S atan's
Y oke
And who wants that? Plus, I realized that God wants a relationship with me than to watch me run around like a chicken with my head cut off "serving" Him.
So - there you have it.
Have a great day everyone!!!

Good Afternoon Randall,
I am home from my surgery. I understand the importance of not overloading one's schedule. There is a book about being a Mary in a Martha world. Will I ever learn to sit at the Lord's feet, and just enjoy fellowship with Him?
God blessed me with the surgery and great love and support from friends and family like all of you. I am so blessed, I want to cry sometimes.
I am drinking decaf iced tea.
I'm reminded of an illustration my husband used in a sermon a Christian, if Satan can't tempt you...he will accelerate you. It's just like putting your foot on the acceleration of a car.....BAM! He just sets back and lets you accelerate your good works....he's patient. Our health suffers... seriously - and over time it shortens our lives. Satan has not tempted us to sin but he has put us out of commission when we break down. His goal still accomplished.
As always....your message is appreciated.
Glad you are feeling better. Oh....and I did have my 2 cups of cafe con leche w/splenda from Ron's Cuban Cafe this AM