Wednesday coffee talk
Good Wednesday morning everyone. How'd you sleep? Ready for a new day? Time to get up and at 'em.
Our challenge for today is to examine how you handle your problems. How do you handle them? Do you fly off the handle? Do you throw a fit, cursing, stomping your feet, throwing things, or letting your kids, spouse or other family members see you go crazy? What good does that reaction do? When life throws us a problem (AND IT WILL), react positively! React with peace, calm and assertiveness. You handle your problem and DO NOT let it handle you! I've learned in all the things I have been through that I can either react by "beat or be beaten". Don't let others see you throw fits. What kind of image does that portray? I have to preach this one to myself today. WE CAN BE VICTORS IN ALL THINGS!! Keep your chin up and your head high!
SO! Who's up with me this morning? What cha sipping on? I'm sipping on my Folgers Regular with sweet-n-low and cream. This is the 1st full cup I have even wanted since I've been home on Sunday. Man! Is it good! Lisa Moore, I'm back on the wagon!
I love you guys and I hope you have a blessed, wonderful and great day! Randall 

Praise be to God that through Christ I was made new. There was a time many many years ago before I let Jesus direct my steps that I gave in to tantrums and throwing things and cursing. This was what I was raised on and this was how I handled problems or should I say this is how they handled me. I am so grateful to God to say I no longer behave this way. Your challenge brought to mind how wonderful my life has become since I let God direct my steps. God gets ALL the glory! I love you too Randall
Hugs, Sandyd