Tuesday coffee talk....still here
You can't keep me down!
Throw me for a loop, but I'll bounce back up.
GOD IS FAITHFUL!! I praise HIM most of all!!
I want to thank everyone for the cards. Bill and Beth George, thanks for the card and for the visits on Saturday and Sunday. Papa and Mimi, Becky, Mike, and Sarah, it was so good to see ya'll on Sunday. Becky made me laugh too much. Beth M, what a joy it was to have you there. You met me at the hospital and was there when I left. Thanks for being such a great friend. I love ya! Fish and Lisa!!!! What can I say!? Anyone who'd follow me up there, stay the entire time and then take me home?! I love you guys! Thanks is NOT enough. I owe you big time! I enjoyed the trip home, even if it was bumpy and I burped all the way!!!
It got rid of that trapped gas didn't it?
TMI! Sorry!! I love all of you. Becky, thank you for my e card. I love everyone on this board. Your calls, cards, and visits mean the world to me.
I'm on the road to mending and I look forward to feeling better before today is over! I'm just glad that gallbladder is OUT!!!
So! Who's up? What cha sipping on? Me? I'm sipping on Raspberry Ice today. I've had 1/4 cup of coffee since Sunday. Just haven't wanted any. I'm sure it'll kick back in when the fever is gone.
I hope ya'll have a wonderful day. I'm headed back to bed. Love you guys! Randall 

Good morning Randall
I am so very happy and grateful to have you back and now that nasty old gallbladder won't be giving you any more trouble. I am sippin' on my ususal Gevalia and have to run to get my granddaughter breakfast, bible study and off to school but I just wanted to say welcome back. In love, Sandyd

So good to see you back here. I am glad that you are doing well & soon will be back to 100%.
I have been sippin water. It's just so cold in this office that I struggle with drinking cold water. I don't drink coffee or other things. Water is it for now. Maybe I should try to drink some hot teas. Might help to warm me up.
Have a great day.
Hugs, Robin